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Crime & Punishment of Saturday, 22 February 2020

Source: GNA

Father of five kids pleads guilty for incest

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Daniel Kwame Baah, a trader accused of impregnating his daughter at Anyaa a suburb in Accra has appeared before an Accra Circuit Court charged with defilement and incest.

Baah 42, who pleaded guilty was convicted on his own plea by the court presided over by Mrs Christina Cann but deferred his sentence to Monday February 24.

Prosecuting Chief Inspector Kofi Atimbire said the complainant is a Social Welfare Officer at Ga Central Municipal Assembly.

Chief Inspector Atimbire said Baah lives with his wife and five children including the victim at Awoshie Last Stop.

He said the victim aged 14 is the first child of the accused and sometime in December last year, the Girl-child Advocate attached to Anyaa L. A. Primary School met the victim who was pregnant in a school uniform.

Prosecution said the victim was questioned about the pregnancy and she narrated that about eight months ago while she was asleep, her biological father that is the accused came home, got close to her bed, inserted his fingers into her vagina and had sex with.

He said Baah continue to abuse her sexually and eventually impregnated her.

The prosecution said a report was made to the Police and Baah was arrested and in his cautioned statement, he admitted the offence.