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Opinions of Thursday, 31 August 2017

Columnist: Dr. Raphael Nyarkotey Obu

Fat does not make you fat: The French do not swallow! (11)

These low-fat, artificially sweetened foods are a complete disaster, ruining your body These low-fat, artificially sweetened foods are a complete disaster, ruining your body

French People Eat REAL Food

Unlike the United States where mega-supermarkets are the norm, many people in France still shop for fresh unprocessed food every day or two. They have access to wonderful farmer’s markets, specialty food shops, and butchers that sell fresh produce, hand-made cheeses, high-quality meats, and fermented, sourdough breads. (And many of them WALK to get there.)

Whereas an American may sit down to a breakfast of a cheese omelet made with processed cheese and store-bought eggs, a similar French-made omelet would include naturally fermented cheese made from raw milk from grass-fed cows, and eggs that came from a small farm, and were not refrigerated but simply left out on the counter (which is the best way to store your eggs, assuming they are of high-quality).

Now I am not one to recommend eating cooked eggs at all, but my point is that the difference in food quality is quite extraordinary, says Dr. Mercola.

He further said: Though Americanized junk food and fast food is slowly infiltrating France, it is still not the norm, at least for the older generations.

The majority of their food comes fresh, without preservatives and food colorings, and without synthetic ingredients. And did I mention the butter? French people eat this regularly, along with a host of other full-fat foods. Contrast this to the United States, where many seek out fat-free or low-fat versions that are often pumped full of corn syrup or artificial sweeteners as an alternative.

These low-fat, artificially sweetened foods are a complete disaster, ruining your body’s ability to count calories or even sense when you are full. Not so with traditional French fare, that is so rich you’ll likely feel full after just a few bites. And that is part of the secret, which contrasts quite remarkably with the United States.

French Food Satisfies

According to Dr. Mercola, a common complaint of people who come to his wellness center near Chicago is that they don’t feel satisfied after eating. Many of them are even eating what would be considered healthy foods, yet they are still not satiated. In France, no one is leaving the table hungry. Yet they’re not leaving it feeling stuffed, either. As this Cornell study found, the French do something that I often recommend: They listen to their bodies.

When they feel full, they stop eating

Unfortunately, in Ghana many have lost the ability to sense when they are full.

This comes from a combination of things, but a major one is leptin resistance. Leptin is a hormone that communicates to your brain, letting it know how much energy your body has stored, and whether or not it’s full. Once full, one of leptin’s functions is to reduce your appetite and induce fat burning.

Low leptin levels (leptin resistance) in your brain, however, will signal your body to keep eating and storing more fat. How do you become leptin resistant? By eating the typical American diet full of sugar, refined grains, processed foods and not a whole lot else.

In France, where they eat a minimal amount of processed and refined foods, leptin levels are probably much closer to where they need to be, lest their body’s natural ability to regulate appetite, and weight, remains intact.

French meals are also more satisfying because they are savored. It takes about 20 minutes for your food to be digested enough, and a signal sent to your brain, telling you that you are full. In France, you would still be working through your first course at this time, while in America you could easily polish off way too many calories in the 15-minute span you give yourself for lunch.

Wait: French People DO Get Fat

The obesity rate in France has doubled in recent years and has now topped off at 12 percent. In the United States, for comparison, the obesity rate is about 34 percent.

What is causing the French to get fat?

A change in their eating habits, which are increasingly departing from traditional ways and succumbing to the modern world of fast food outlets, processed convenience foods, and junk-food snacks. And so, it seems no one culture is immune to the temptations of junk food, fast food and processed “meals” that you can have ready in five minutes. But YOU certainly can be, and your health, and weight, will thank you for it.

Some tips that will help from the French scenario;

1.Rather than depriving yourself of foods you love, find out which foods are right for your body by learning your nutritional type. Indulging in these foods will make you feel satisfied, and help you lose weight.

2.Ditch the supermarket and, as much as possible, get your food from local farmer’s markets, food coops and specialty shops.

3.Invest some time in preparing meals for your family. Food made from scratch is always better for your health and your waistline than processed versions.

4.Eat slowly. Enjoy your food and mealtime with your family, savor every bite of nourishing food you put in your mouth, and if possible, never eat on the run.

5.Remove the unconscious blocks that might be causing your urges to eat junk food.

6.Find something you enjoy more than eating—and do it regularly.

7.Replace commercial salad dressings with simple vinaigrette of olive oil and vinegar.

8.Make most of your drinking calorie free, except for some wine with dinner.

9.Immediately correct weight gain with a day of conscious, lighter eating

My research on fat from the French Experience

In conclusion, not surprisingly, most nutritional experts are wrong about fat and its role in obesity in Ghana. The first thing to understand is fat does not make you fat. High-carb, low-fat diets are guaranteed to pack on pounds, no matter how much you starve yourself while eating this way.

Saturated fats are not Satan’s seed, either. High-quality saturated fats, such as coconut oil or butter are natural testosterone food and are good for you; our brains evolved on fats, and saturated fats, especially animal fats, aid your body’s metabolism, and signal your body when you’ve eaten enough. Without good saturated fats in your diet you will overeat and gain weight. Fats are, in fact, different forms of fatty acids. Chew high quality fat. It is good for our health. It is a win-win affair.

Dr. Raphael Nyarkotey Obu: PhD is a research Professor of Prostate cancer and Holistic Medicine at Da Vinci College of Holistic Medicine, Larnaca city, Cyprus and the National President of the Alternative Medical Association of Ghana(AMAG). He is also the President of Men’s Health Foundation Ghana

Reasons Why Don't the French Get Fat - Dr. Mercola Mar 4, 2008 –
How French Women eat rich and stay slim
The French secret of Fat