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Crime & Punishment of Saturday, 17 September 2005

Source: GNA

Farmer remanded for defilement

Nsuta (Ash), Sept 17, GNA - The Nsuta Circuit Court, near Asante Mampong on Wednesday remanded into prison custody, a 42-year-old farmer, Kwasi Bour of Beposo for defiling a 14-year-old primary four pupil. He pleaded not guilty to the offence, and the court, presided over by Mr. V.P. Dery remanded him to re-appear on October 4, this year. Prosecuting, Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP), Emmanuel Arzah, told the court that the accused, on July 6, 2005, at about 0600 hours, asked the guardian of the victim to allow the victim to accompany him to his farm to plant cocoyam and they obliged.

The court was told that at the farm the accused harvested four cobs of corn and asked the victim to roast them for him. Whilst the victim was roasting the corn, the accused went into the nearby thicket and later emerged naked.

The prosecution said the accused suddenly attacked the victim, undressed her and had sexual intercourse with her in the bush amidst crying by the victim.

After the act, the victim, in tears ran home and informed the guardians of her ordeal. The guardians then made a report to the Mampong police and the accused was arrested.

Mr Arzah said a medical report confirmed that the girl has been defiled and the accused was consequently charged with the offence and put before court.