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Crime & Punishment of Thursday, 27 August 2020

Source: GNA

Driver's mate in trouble over sex

The accused pleaded not guilty. The accused pleaded not guilty.

Patrick Narhgwah Narh Wortey, a 20-year-old driver's mate has appeared before an Accra Circuit Court for allegedly defiling 14-year-old girl at La Wireless, Accra.

Wortey who is said have defiled the victim on two occasions, is facing a charge of defilement.

The court presided over by Mrs Christina Cann, admitted Wortey to bail in the sum of GH¢60,000.00 with three sureties one of whom should be a public servant earning not less than GH¢2,500.

He was ordered by the court to stay 50 meters from the victim.

The court further ordered the prosecution to file their disclosures and witness statements and serve same on the accused.

The matter has been adjourned to September 9.

Prosecuting, Police Sergeant Opoku Aniagyei said the complainant is a 57-year-old unemployed man residing at La Wireless with the victim.

Sergeant Aniagyei said the accused also resides at La.

Prosecution said police investigations revealed that accused once lived with his parents in the same house, but he relocated to a different location at La.

According to prosecution, the accused occasionally visits his parents who are still in the same house with the complainant.

Prosecution said during the month of March this year, Wortey went to have sex with victim in the complainant's room.

He said on July 23, this year, accused at about 1100 hours again had sex with the victim.

Prosecution said whiles in the act, the complainant chanced on the Victim and the accused and as soon as the complainant raised an alarm, the accused escaped.

The complainant, however lodged complaint with the Ghana Police Service Domestic Violence and Victim's Support Unit in Accra where he was given a Police Medical Report Form to seek medical attention for the victim.

He said Wortey was later picked up by the Police and in his cautioned statement admitted the offence.