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Religion of Thursday, 29 December 2022


Directive reminding prophets of illegal communication of prophecies good – Bishop Owusu Ansah

Bishop Owusu Ansah, Founder and General Overseer of Kingdom Life Ministries, believes that the Inspector General of Police’s directive to prophets and other men of God to be mindful of illegal prophecy communication was a step in the right direction.

He claims that the directive will help to clean up the system and ensure that men of God communicate their prophecies responsibly.

He noted that this directive was issued in response to several instances of irresponsible behaviour on the part of some men of God.

“I believe that when it comes to the prophetic ministry and the works of God, there should be no interference or the law should not bind what the church has to do,” Bishop Owusu Ansah said.

The police are concerned about the safety and security of the state, and they will do whatever is legal to protect the people. I am a prophetic man of God, but some prophetic men of God are irresponsible. If the police are issuing this directive, something is wrong. It was not initially present. It is when some individuals muddied the waters.

Speaking on Rainbow Radio 87.5Fm’s Nyankonton Mu Nsem, the man of God advised prophets to be responsible and ethical.

He stated that it would be appropriate for them to use wisdom in their prophetic ministry to avoid instilling fear and panic among the people.

He stressed, “I am a Bishop, I am in the prophetic ministry but I think we should not entertain prophecies that create gear and panic, we should not entertain prophecies that will make people scared. Prophecies should not intimidate people”.

“We need to work for God decently. We should not engage in acts that would breach our laws in the name of God’s work.”

A year ago on December 27, 2021, the Ghana Police Service drew the attention of the general public, especially members of the religious community to the law regarding the communication of prophecies and urged compliance with the law to ensure continuous security and law and order in the country.

The police have this year 2022, issued a statement to commend the public, particularly religious groups, for their cooperation over the period by being circumspect and conscious of the law and adopting legally acceptable means of communicating prophecies to those affected.

The police indicated that this contributed greatly in creating an environment where people were able to freely profess their faith without unnecessary anxiety and fear of impending harm or death.

It reminded religious groups and men of God that “as the year 2022 draws to a close, we wish to once again entreat the general public, especially faith-based groups to ensure continuous compliance with the law as it relates to the communication of prophecies”.

It added that, “Let us continue to remember that whereas we have the right to practise our faith in religion, freedom of worship and speech, this right must not be exercised in violation of the rights of others and the public interest."

"As part of sustaining the gains made so far, the Police Service has adopted 27th December of each year as the Prophecy Communication Compliance Day. This day is being set aside to remind all of us, to practice our faith within the confines of the law to ensure a safe, secure environment, free of anxiety generated from predictions of impending harm, danger, or death."