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Regional News of Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Source: starrfmonline

Deceased family to sue police over Cape-Coast clashes

Police raids. Photo: From file Police raids. Photo: From file

The family of the suspect who died in police custody at Ntsin, Cape-Coast in the Central region has decided to sue the Police.

Violence broke out in that community after residents clashed with the police over a swoop.

The situation escalated after one of the suspects died in police custody.

The acting Inspector General of Police COP John Kudalor Tuesday visited the area in an attempt to broker peace between the residents and the police personnel there.

But family members of the suspect who spoke to Starr News’ Central regional correspondent Kwaku Baah Acheamfour said they will sue the service.

“If only it is true that it is the brutality that killed my father then we will this to court,” the deceased son said.

According to him, punishing the police officers if found culpable would not be enough to make up for the vacuum created by his father’s death.

Meanwhile, the Police Intelligence and Professional Standards Bureau is investigating the issue.