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Crime & Punishment of Sunday, 14 June 2015

Source: GNA

Court fines trader for stealing

Yaw Mudor Bruce, a 21 year-old trader who broke into the office of Juaso Presby Primary School to steal has been convicted to a fine of GHC1, 200.00 by the Juaso Circuit Court.

He would serve 18 months imprisonment in default.

The Convict would also sign a bond to be of good behavior for two years.

Bruce who confessed to stealing a Dell computer, its accessories, one table top fridge, a fridge guard, extension board and cash of GH?160.00, was also ordered to buy the school a new fridge guard and an extension board.

Police Detective Chief Inspector Birikorang Peasah, prosecuting, told the court that the complainant, Yaa Adomah Dumaah, Headmistress of the school said on June 1, locked her office after school.

The Court presided over by Mr Fredrick Tetteh was told that the complainant returned to school the next day to see the window of the office opened and the iron bars as well as the metal mosquito netting damaged.

She entered the office and the detected that the items had been stolen. A report was made to the Juaso Police who upon intelligence arrested the convict on June 3.

The Police, however, could not retrieve the fridge guard, extension board and the money.

He was arraigned after admitting the offence in his caution statement.