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Regional News of Monday, 31 August 2020

Source: GNA

Coronavirus: NCCE educates POLWA on continuous adherence to protocols

A section of the Wives of Police Officers during the meeting A section of the Wives of Police Officers during the meeting

Madam Doris Gbongbo, the Bono Regional Director of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), has called for continued adherence to the directives against the spread of the novel Coronavirus disease.

She said although some the restrictions were eased that did not mean the fight against the pandemic was over.

She said people needed to protect themselves by strictly observing preventive directives and protocols.

Mad. Gbongbo said this at a meeting with the members of the Police Wives Association (POLWA) in the Sunyani and Sunyani West Municipalities.

The meeting organised by the Bono Regional Office of the Commission was to sensitize the police wives about the pandemic and to enable them to assist in education on the safety protocols and directives.

As part of the agenda, the participants were educated on the negative health implications of indiscriminate disposal of used nose masks and waste.

Mad. Gbongbo asked the women to maintain a clean environment by ensuring good sanitation practices.