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Religion of Thursday, 14 March 2013

Source: GNA

Christ Apostolic Church holds ministerial session

Apostle Dr Stephen Kwame Amoani has appealed to Christians to continue praying for the nation as Ghana needs peace to develop and meet the aspirations of the people.

He said “As overseers and intercessors for the land, we need to always pray fervently for our dear country,” the Christ Apostolic Church International (CACI) Chairman said.

Apostle Dr Amoani was addressing the 56th session of the Ministerial and General Council meeting of the Church at the TUC Auditorium of the Church in Kumasi on the theme: ‘Breaking into End Time Revival’.

Executive Council Members, apostles and ministers, foreign and local missionaries, prophets and prophetesses, departmental heads, elders and Deacons are attending.

Apostle Dr Amoani appealed to the Christian community especially pastors and other church leaders never to take sides with any political party to polarize the congregations but to always remain neutral even in the face of provocations.

“Just concentrate on your pastoral functions and live above reproach within the communities you find yourselves. Be a father for all and support all government projects within your respective areas,” he said.

Apostle Dr Amoani told the delegates “We have come a long way as a church and we need however to gird our loins and put our past reproaches behind us. Let us unite and stick to our mission and vision. Let us also do well as individual ministers to value character and above all, the reputation of the church.”

He congratulated the delegates for their efforts that gave the church a “leap” in growth in virtually all sectors of the church economy.

He said the past year was eventful as the church witnessed some monumental growth in sectors such as soul winning, church planting and financial output.

Apostle Dr Amoani said the church recorded 410 new churches in 2012.

On the International front, he said much effort had been put in for spreading the gospel at a faster pace across the frontiers and that a concrete foreign policy had been formulated to guide activities of the missionaries and also improve their conditions of service.

The Church, according to Apostle Dr Amoani, had achieved a remarkable improvement in the finances.

Projects and development of infrastructure, provision of social services, extension of a hand of co-operation and fellowship to the government and other religious bodies, as well as boosting the performance of the General Headquarters have also been pivotal and taken a centre stage in the programmes.

The Ashanti West Territorial Head, Apostle S. D. K. Larbie, said the Church could not grow in a state of anarchy and therefore the need to pray for peace to prevail at all times.

“There can never be a holistic growth in the mist of anarchy and perplexity. It therefore behoves on us as a church to pray for the continued peace of the nation in order to live peacefully with others,” he said.