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Entertainment of Thursday, 25 January 2018


Bukom Banku declares ‘war’ on gay men

Known for not mincing with words, defeated ‘Africa Mayweather’ as he prefers to be called has pulled another stunner, lashing out at, not a boxing opponent probably Samir Bestie, but at homosexual men in Ghana.

Yes, Briamah Kamoko, widely known as Bukom Banku, has taken the fight to gay men in Ghana in a street protest with some patrons.

In a video circulating on social media, the self-acclaimed African Mayweather who recently had his flawless boxing record dented by Samir Bestie in last year’s bout is seen in a video with loud spinners charging gay men to quit anal sex.

Bukom Banku who was patrolling the principal streets of his community with loud music and dozens of people cheering him on made intermittent stops warning gay men to ‘repent’.

According to Banku, he doesn’t understand why men still pursue colleague men when there are beautiful and ‘affordable’ vaginas priced as low as GHC1.

"The gay men in this community should hear me out. Please stop because there are a lot of vaginas in this community. We have some priced at one cedi, two cedis, and three cedis. We have really nice vaginas in Accra, and the Accra ladies are sweet and beautiful. So the males who are obsessed with gayism must stop the anal sex," he said.