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General News of Tuesday, 11 April 2023

Source: Richard Asamoah, Contributor

Be exampled by the love of Christ this Easter - Tema MCE

The Tema Metropolitan Chief Executive, Yohane Amarh Ashitey, has called on Ghanaians to make this year’s commemoration of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ an opportunity to pause and reflect on their practice of love.

In an Easter message, the MCE said this year’s celebration should also make people want to be more like Christ, especially in the manner he loved.

“Jesus never condemned and he always forgave. If we can love half as much as Christ loved humanity, we would all make the world a more beautiful place to live in,” the MCE wrote.

He, therefore, encouraged people to shun condemnatory attitudes and also forgive one another quickly, just like Christ would have humanity do.

“Do not judge, do not condemn; let your life be exampled by Christ himself,” the MCE wrote.

This is not the first time that the Tema Mayor has instigated positive calls to action around major religious celebrations such as Easter.

Himself a devout Christian, Hon. Yohane Amarh Ashitey, has never missed the opportunity to preach good morality and social harmony whenever the occasion is right, especially during the period of religious festivities such as Easter.

The MCE has also used the annual Islamic festivals, Eid ul Adha and Eid ul Fitr to send out positive messages of unity and social harmony.

In this Easter message, Hon. Amarh Ashitey reiterated that the occasion is time for sober reflection and not for careless living as some have misconstrued it to be.

According to him, “Jesus Christ is the perfect example of proper social conduct and so do not use the commemoration of his death and resurrection as opportunity to be nefarious.

“Easter is not time to drink excessively, smoke garrulously, have wild parties and debauch ourselves in orgies. Such immoral behaviour only insult the very essence of the whole commemoration of the death and resurrection of Jesus.”

He adds that, “Rather, it is time to pause and reflect on the state of our lovingkindness towards one another and how the quality of our love measures up to the love that Jesus showed us through his death and resurrection.”

The hardworking MCE used Easter to declare his intention to contest the forthcoming Tema East NPP primary.

Many polling Station executives on Friday celebrated Hon. Yohane Amarh Ashitey in a joyous mood with method fante-fante light soup.