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Regional News of Saturday, 30 July 2016


Asuboi Chief banishes two for occultism

Nana Annor Agyemfra Mmodwo, chief of Asuboi in the Ayensuano District of the Eastern Region, has banished two inhabitants from the town for allegedly using occultism to charm the ladies in the community.

The duo, Munkaila, 18 and Adiza, 20, are said to be hiding idols in a bush at the outskirts of the town, and on daily basis, they reportedly go to the forest at midnight to chant, charm the young ladies in the area and Munkaila uses them to satisfy his sexual desires.

This revelation came to light Thursday afternoon when a member of the gang, who felt cheated, reported them (duo) to the chief after a 14-year-old JHS victim identified Munkaila as having charmed her with “for girls” and had sex with her.

Nana Annor Agyemfra Mmodwo ordered the two to appear before him at the palace.

The news, which spread like wild fire in the area, drew scores of the inhabitants to the palace to witness what was going to happen.

Munkaila confessed before the chief and his elders that he and Adiza had been using occultism on the youth in the community to engage in petty stealing. He claimed that they had also been charming the girls with “for girls” for him to have affairs with them.

The angry chief then ordered his linguist and some elders, together with the occultists, to go to where the gods were being kept and bring them before him.

Adiza, who has no family in the area but staying with a boyfriend, reportedly acquired the gods through a friend in Togo and placed them under a palm tree away from the town.

DAILY GUIDE investigations gathered that Adiza usually gives the charms to Munkaila and some other youth to lure the young ladies, but on Monday there was confusion between Munkaila and the other members of the gang, leading to the revelation of the underground deal.

The chief, who was shocked about Adiza and Munkaila’s strange practices, ordered them to leave the community before next week Monday.

According to the chief, the behaviour of the gang was an abomination in the community.