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Regional News of Friday, 28 August 2020


Aggrieved tenants run to Asantehene over NADMO demolishing notice

Some of the tenants Some of the tenants

Aggrieved tenants at Old Pioneer Guggisberg road at Adum in the Ashanti Regional capital Kumasi have resolved to petition the Overlord of Asanteman Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, following demolishing notice by the Ashanti Regional National Management Disaster Organization (NADMO).

According to the tenants, NADMO has served them notice to demolish their house despite court issue between the tenants and the property owners on one side and one Mr Alfred Obeng.

Leader of the tenants, Nana Osei Kwadwo addressing the media said “We received a letter from NADMO that the building will be demolished within two weeks due to bad condition of the building”.

According to him, “the building has developed no cracks and it is not in a bad condition but we believe that Mr. Alfred Obeng is behind NADMO move to demolish the house to pave way for building of stores”.

“We cannot be intimated and we will not allow NADMO to demolish the building because the issue is in court. We have nowhere to go within two weeks per NAMDO order and we are not going to move until the court rules” he said.

The tenants numbering over 20 are therefore appealing to Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II and President Akufo-Addo to intervene in the matter in order to ensure peace.