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Sports News of Monday, 14 March 2016


Accra Sports Stadium to be closed down soon

The Minister of Youth and Sports (MOYS) Honorable Nii Lante Vanderpuye has hinted on a possible closure of the Accra Sports Stadium after the Ghana Black Stars game against Mozambique.

The stadium, which is gradually deteriorating has left the facility being juxtaposed as a ‘death trap’ by some sections of the football fans and the media.

In an interview with the media after the inspection of the facility, Nii Vanderpuije said, “we will call for an immediate evaluation of the facility by engineers, upon their recommendation, we will see whether to close down the facility or reduce the intake”.

The stadium which was handed over to the National Sports Authority (NSA) in 2008 to host the African Cup of Nations was not wholly finished, which has led to some metals structure of the stadium gradually corroding especially the ministry side of the pitch.