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General News of Wednesday, 19 July 2023

Source: Huda Hussein, Contributor

A Race Against Time: A desperate plea for Philip Atawura's life-saving kidney transplant

The gloomy reality of life hanging by a thread has gripped the hearts of those who have had the privilege of knowing Mr. Atawura, an exceptional lecturer whose selflessness and steadfast dedication have made an indelible impression on the lives of many students.

Today, we stand united in an emotional plea, imploring the government and compassionate individuals to intervene and save his life. Suffering from a critical medical condition that requires a kidney transplant, Mr. Atawura is in dire need of financial support to cover the substantial treatment costs amounting to 700,000 cedis. With each passing day, hope becomes increasingly elusive, and the shadow of despair looms large over the horizon.

For years, Mr. Atawura has breathed life into the classrooms of our esteemed institution, the Ghana Institute of Journalism (GIJ). His kind personality, kindness, and constant devotion to cultivating young minds have endeared him to those privileged to sit under his instruction.

As pleas for assistance echo across academic halls, it is critical to recognize Mr. Atawura as not only an excellent lecturer but also a dedicated public worker. His contributions to developing the minds of our country's future leaders are woven into the fabric of our collective growth. As a result, we beg the government, as the guardian of our nation's well-being, to provide a lifeline to this amazing person.

Our hearts were broken when we observed Mr. Atawura's declining condition, which was portrayed on television by GTV. His sorrow and grief are engraved over his face, a clear reminder of the fragility of life and the immense influence one person can have on the lives of others.

This heartfelt plea, channeled directly to the President, implores the highest position of power to recognize the profound impact Mr. Atawura has had on the lives of those around him. By extending a helping hand in facilitating the financial resources required for his life-saving transplant, the government can reaffirm its commitment to the welfare of its invaluable employees and the education sector.

However, it is not solely the government's responsibility to bear the weight of this burden. In this hour of need, we call upon the collective compassion of all those who are fortunate enough to possess the means to contribute. Every act of generosity, no matter how small, is an opportunity to affirm our shared humanity and rewrite the narrative of a dedicated lecturer’s tragic fate.

In this darkest of hours, let our collective voice rise above the cacophony of indifference and inspire a symphony of empathy. Let us come together, united by the understanding that a single act of kindness can transform a life, breathing new hope into the depths of despair.

For donation details and further information, kindly find below:

Bank: Prudential Bank Ltd
Account Name: Uni. Of Media, Arts and Communications Account Number: 0091901740010
Branch: Ring Road Central
Payment narration: RE: Phillip Atawura

0557 860 337 (Phillip Atawura)
0244 609 699 (Eric Boansi Agyekum)

0503 470 988 (Phillip Atawura)