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Crime & Punishment of Thursday, 24 December 2015

Source: Daily Guide

3 Gang-rape girl 15

Three persons, who allegedly lured a 15-year-old into a room and defiled her for six days have been arraigned in an Accra Circuit Court for defilement.

The accused persons- Desmond Owusu Ansah, a head porter aged 19, Kofi Mrasemdu, a trader aged 18 and Desmond Ofosu, a driver aged 21, were all put before a court, presided over by Abena Adjin-Doku and charged with defilement.

They pleaded not guilty and were remanded into police custody while the case was adjourned to January 5 2016.

The facts of the case as presented by the prosecutor Chief Inspector Grace Bandoh are that the victim is 15 years and lives with her aunt at John Teye, suburb of Accra where the accused persons also reside.

According to her, on November 24 2015 at about 7pm, the porter saw the victim crying and lured her into his room under the pretext of sending her home to her aunt.

She said the accused persons held a meeting and told them about the incident.

They all expressed interest in the girl so he took them to his house where they defiled the victim in turns.

Furthermore, she noted that on November 30 2015, the aunt and relatives of the victim, who were searching for her had information that the porter had detained the girl in his house so they went there and took her home.

In addition, she explained that the victim, who is the complainant in this case, narrated her ordeal to her aunt and the matter was reported to the police which led to the arrest of the accused persons.

A form was issued to the victim to attend hospital for medical examination and treatment.

The prosecutor said the three were arraigned before court after police investigations.