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Regional News of Wednesday, 30 December 2020


2021 New Year resolution: Upper East residents share their views and expectations

Residents shared their expectations with GhanaWeb play videoResidents shared their expectations with GhanaWeb

Correspondence from Upper East:

Some residents of the Upper East Region have shared their resolutions for the New Year – 2021 with GhanaWeb as the region joins the rest of the world to close the chapter on 2020 in a few days.

As is the tradition, Ghanaians every year in the last days of the outgoing year take time to reflect on their lives in the year to be left behind and resolve to continue good practices, change in non-productive behaviours, imbibing of new character traits etc., so they can be able to add improvement to their lives and achieve personal goals.

In a special assignment, our Journalist and Correspondent for Upper East Region, Senyalah Castro, moved out on streets and markets of Navrongo and Bolgatanga to engage people to find out what they have resolved to do in the New Year.

Iddrisu Mubarik, a Taxi driver who plies his trade between Navrongo - Bolgatanga told GhanaWeb, owning an additional car and expanding his trade to rake in more income is one of his New Year resolutions.

Mr. Iddrisu also resolved to pay critical attention to safety in the discharge of his trade in the coming year to ensure his wellness and that of people who engage in his service. It is also his prayer that the deadly Coronavirus is eliminated or its rate of spread is brought under control in the New Year.

In that regard, Mr. Iddrisu has appealed for government’s intervention. He appealed to the government to put in serious measures including the provision of nose masks for taxi drivers and tightening the borders to help end the spread.

He noted that commercial drivers have been greatly exposed to the dangers of the disease which has also affected their operations.

Asambo Amos, a Nurse, and Businessman, who said the wake of the Coronavirus Disease has dealt a hefty blow on his line of businesses prayed as part of his New Year resolution for the disease to die out.

He said his businesses would improve when the disease is weeded out and life goes back to normal.

He resolved to work harder to expose himself to bigger opportunities and resources to help expand his businesses and employ more people.

Watch the video below: