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Religion of Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Source: -THE SUN

Muslim Brothers Killing Brothers

It is unbelievable that adherents of the Islamic religion are now killing themselves, therefore the destruction of Islam. The war between European powers and Islamic terrorists has murdered more civilian Muslims. Islamic fundamentalists that attacked Western powers have also killed more Muslims in Irag, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.

The killing of Osama Bin Laden has brought warfare between Taliban Al Qaeda, Europeans and Pakistan nations. According to median report, Taliban Al Qaeda has killed eighty Pakistan military cadets and wounded many others.

In ancient days, wars are fought between Roman Christians and Muslims, Muslims and Jews, Roman Christian and Jews, but today wars are being fought between Muslims and Muslims, or Islamic states and Islamic states in the Asia Minor.
In AD 638 Roman Christians and adherents of Islam fought war, which Christian Jerusalem was captured and became Islamic Jerusalem. Two Mosques were built at the Temple Mount – El Aqsa and Dome of the Rock. The Dome of the Rock became third holiest Islamic shrine, where Prophet Mohammed is believed to have ascended to heaven.

Other cruel wars were fought between Roman Christians and Muslims between AD 1095 and 1291. Historically, these wars were called Crusader Wars. It was firstly organized by Pope Urban II to drive out Muslims from Jerusalem and the holy land and make Jerusalem Roman Christian city. The crusaders had massacre both Jews and Muslims at Jerusalem. Eight crusade wars were fought, and finally a treaty was signed between the two warriors, King Richard (Christian) and Saladin (Islam). Christian pilgrimage was permitted while Jerusalem remained an Islamic centre from the thirteenth century.

It was during the First World War that British forces captured Jerusalem from Ottoman Empire in 1918. The League of Nations mandated Britain to control political and civil affairs in the Middle East after the First World War. War broke out between Arabs and Jews after United Nations had partitioned the land of Palestinia between Palestina Arabs and Jews, and Israel has declared its independence. The war was graciously won by the young independence Jewish state in 1949.

“In 1948, the British pulled out of Palestine, turning the problem over to the United Nations. The Jews proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel, accepting the frontiers proposed by the UN in its effort to portioned Palestine between the Jews and the Arabs. The Arab League refused to accept partition, however, and went to war against Israel” Modern European History, page 549.
There are also Arabs-Israeli wars in 1956, 1967 and 1973. The Six Day Arabs-Israeli war of 1967 would forever remain the greatest monument for the people of Israel. Israeli state again won this war, not only that, but captured Eastern Jerusalem, which contained the Temple Mount that Jordanian states had controlled since 1949 war.

Surprisingly, the war is no longer fought between Muslims and Christians, or Muslims and Jews. Though there are some minor Muslim and Christian clashes and Jews and Palestinian escalations, Muslims are now fighting themselves in the region, which is credited with Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Some prophetic students believe that current religio-political events in the Arab world may be fulfilling prophecy. According to them, Prophet Zechariah predicts that those nations that had fought Israel will fight themselves.
“And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth. And it shall come to pass in that day, that a great tumult from the LORD shall be among them; and they shall lay hold everyone on the hand of his neighbour, and his hand shall rise up against the hand of his neighbour” Zechariah 14:12-13.
Islamic states of Iran and Irag have fought deadly war that had killed thousands and thousands of Muslims. Another war was fought between Irag and Kuwait which brought European powers into the Islamic world. In all these Islamic wars, the recorded civilian casualty is great.
The International war against Islamic terrorism, which began after the destruction of the World Trade centre, on September 11, 2001 by the Al Qaeda network, has also brought Muslims against Muslims. The War against Islamic terrorism is now fought between European powers and Al Qaeda groups, Al Qaeda groups and Islamic states in the Asia Minor and Africa.
According to recent media report, Al Qaeda group has killed eighty Pakistani military cadets and wounded other Muslims. Al Qaeda killers claimed they have revenged the death of its leader Osama Bin Laden, who was killed by American commandos. It is believed that Al Qaeda Kingdom has punished Pakistani government for allowing foreign presence in Arab land, and failing to protect Osama Bin Laden, the founder of Al Qaeda kingdom.
Although Al Quran allows destruction of the enemies of Islam, it did not warrant killing of the innocent Muslims. How could Al Qaeda Islamic fundamentalists claim that they are fighting European occupation in Arab lands, when they are murdering Muslims?
“O ye who believe! Squanders not your wealth among yourself in vanity, except it be a trade by mutual consent, and kill not one another. Lo! Allah is ever merciful unto you. Whoso doeth that through aggression and injustice, we shall cast him into fire, and that is ever easy for Allah” Surah 4:29-30.
“Whoso slayeth a believer of set purpose, his reward is hell forever. Allah is wroth against him and He hath cursed him and prepared for him an awful doom” Surah 4:93.
We are again witnessing resurgences in the religious land, for Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen and Syria is under Euro-Arab attack, which demands transition from Islamic theocracy to European democracy. Surprisingly, innocent civilians are marched against governments, which use military force to stop civilian attackers. In such Government-civilian conflicts, innocent Christians, Muslims and other civilians are mercilessly murdered.
The European mediating powers may be found wanted, for they are directly involved in the Government-Civilian struggles. They have thrown their military weight behind civilians, supplied them with weapons, military equipments and fund their operations, instead of standing between conflicting groups.
It may be conceived that supers powers have caused the continent’s instability and poverty, which is making Africans unproductive in the challenging world. A statement made by Mr Eric Holder, US Attorney General has saved world powers from prosecution. “The attorney general reiterated that the operation was legal, saying that international law allowed the targeting of enemy commanders” Daily Graphic, Friday, May 13, 2011, page 2.
It is now believed that NATO’s attack on the premises of President Gaddaffi , which left his youngest son and grand children dead, can be attempted assassination of the Libya president. If NATO could again attack the Libya leader’s home immediately he appeared on the state television, then Allied powers are mandated to kill the ex-president of African Union.
According to median report, the Euro-Arab Libya war that will leave many Muslims dead has cost United States of America about $750 million. “US Defence Secretary Robert Gates has said that the cost of the air war in Libya for the United States is roughly &750 million” Daily Graphic, Saturday, May 14, 2011.
If United States of America has spent $750 million, what about European Union and United Nations? How will the international powers pay their war debts? Are they not going to pay themselves with African’s natural resources, such as oil and other precious minerals? In fact, the continent will remain the European battleground, as long as Africa leaders cling to power without approval from the United Nations Organization.
According to General David Richards, Britain’s chief of Defence Staff, some Libya’s infrastructures may be attacked and bombarded if President Muamar Qathafi should continue to cling to power. President Muamar Gaddaffi must lift up his hands to prevent destruction of Libya.
“At present, NATO is not attacking infrastructure targets in Libya. But if we want to increase the pressure on Qathafi’s regime then we need to give serious consideration to increasing the range of targets we can hit” Daily Graphic, Monday, May 16, 2011.
It is predicted by Biblical prophets that any religious, social and political powers, which will not bow to the authority of the Beast’s Image, the same shall be sanctioned. The International Community may be fulfilling this biblical end time prophecy.
“And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sigh of men, and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed” Rev 13:13-15.
“NATO war planes, acting under a United Nations mandate to protect civilians, have stopped government troops advancing on rebel strongholds but the collapse of Qathafi’s rule, which many Western governments seek, has not materialised” Daily Graphic, Monday, May 16, 2011, page 5.
It should be noted by the adherents of Islamic religion that Muslim fundamentalists have murdered more Muslims than European, which they have accused. Action of the fundamentalists destroys the divinity and creditability of the Islamic religion in the present world.

By Apostle Kadmiel E.H. Agbalenyoh (THE SUN)

Apostle Kadmiel E. H. Agbalenyoh,is world Leader Seventh Day Congregation of Theocracy and also a Religious Colunmist with THE SUN