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Religion of Monday, 16 September 2019


If you want wisdom, read the book of Proverbs - Rev. Mrs Naaso

The Reverend Mrs Augustina Naaso, Anglican Priest serving at the Bishop Anglionby Cathedral of the Anglican Diocese of Tamale, has exalted members of the congregation to embrace the book of Proverbs in its totality to acquire wisdom and fear God.

She indicated that the book of Proverbs clearly states in its Chapter 1:7 that “the beginning of wisdom is the fear of God”, and said the Bible admonishes Christians to enjoy practical family living by consistently reading the book of Proverbs.

Rev. Naaso said this when preaching the sermon at the cathedral church in Tamale.

She urged women to take consolation in the book of Proverbs to manage all the conditions of life in their marriages and indicated that when women, especially married ones accept the challenge to examine their lives by consulting the book of Proverbs, they were bound to enjoy the favor of God in its limitless form.

Rev. Naaso warned women, “Don’t use your beauty, your money, and education to bully your husbands. Let them be the husbands and head leaders of the family”.

Preaching the sermon on the theme: “The Family”, the priest acknowledged the positive contributions of some women in their marriages and said there was no perfection in managing marriages, and encouraged such women to improve and sustain their marriages by consistently reading the book of Proverbs.

She said Apostle Paul admonished men to treat their wives with the utmost respect and love and urged men as heads of the family not to take advantage of their positions and unnecessarily lord over their wives and other members of their families.

She said as heads of family, men had the responsibility to caress, adore, admire and encourage their wives to be what they as men wanted them to be, adding that “give them the things that you see in other women that attracts you”.

According to her, children were a great gift cherished by God and said the Bible assigned some responsibility and roles to children, adding, “Children, obey, respect and honour your parents and other people so that you will live long”

Rev. Mrs Naaso, who is the first and only woman ordained priest in the Diocese of Tamale encouraged the Christian community to take their inspirations from the Bible, especially from the book of Proverbs to manage their Christian lives and their families.