You are here: HomeOpinionsArticles2016 03 02Article 420249

Re-evaluating the Boko Haram conflict

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  • Captain Jean-Luc Picard 8 years ago

    "The truth is that terrorism is rarely easily defeated in any country."

    That sums up the greatest truth about terrorism. This means that even if the nation-building process succeeds and the present groups of de-Nigerianize ...
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  • Kwame 8 years ago

    The west and Gulf countries train, arm and provide logistics to these Islamic terrorist and not until these activities of NATO and the Gulf countries who want to expand Sunni Islamism into Africa stops Islamic terrorism will ...
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  • MARCUS AMPADU 8 years ago

    Brother Adibe, it is a big mistake to tackle the Boko Haram conflict as a strictly Nigerian problem. It is subregional, and fighting it should be done cooperatively by West African military forces; similar to ECOMOG that ende ...
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