You are here: HomeOpinionsArticles2013 06 09Article 276314

Bankahene Trembles

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  • USMAN 11 years ago

    Blame our useless university education that is promoting materialism.

  • GOLD COAST 11 years ago

    This antiquated(feudal)institution is useless in the 21st Century.The so-called chiefs are con men and thieves who - thanks to the Aborigines' Rights Protection Society (1897)- are living off the people in their communities a ...
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  • 11 years ago

    A man went to his doctor seeking help for his terrible addiction to cigars. The doctor was quite familiar with his very compulsive patient, so recommended an unusual and quite drastic form of aversion therapy. "When you go to ...
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  • Yeabr3 _Mo 11 years ago

    To extract this meagre monetary concession from the mining company,I am at a loss to understand how this Chief though he could keep the funds for his "personal use"? The other appalling thing is that he brazently betrayed the ...
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  • oteng samuel 11 years ago

    in fact, peoples in this town need salvation from this tyranical king. from my personal observations, the king could not even use some part of this chunk money to complete his palace started about ten years ago. he must vomit ...
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  • K BOATENG 11 years ago


  • BK 11 years ago

    At several times in the article the sums are given as 0,000. Please go through and edit before posting.

  • Mr kaekae 11 years ago

    There is another bad chief at Munronam also in the same area, about 5km from Banka. Nana Ameyaw II is exploiting all the natural resources in the town using locals and the chinese galamseyers thereby desturbing water bodies i ...
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