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Crime & Punishment of Friday, 17 February 2006

Source: GNA

Benevolent priest assaulted by beneficiary

Bawku (U/E), Feb. 17, GNA - A thirty-year-old farmer, who took advantage of the benevolence of an expatriate priest to assault and rob him of his cash has been sentenced to two years imprisonment by the Bawku circuit court.

Paul Asoogo, who initially tried to delude the court that he was mentally deranged, also confessed that he had been taking "wee" to be "normal" based on the advice of a medical doctor.

He pleaded guilty and the court, presided over by Mr Alex Owusu Ofori, convicted him on his own plea.

Prosecuting, Police Inspector Dentis Atigsika, said Paul resided at Binaba and occasionally visited Rev. Fr. Murray Belway, a retired priest at Zebilla for financial support.

He said on February 9, when Paul visited to demand money, the Rev. Fr. told him his money was not enough so he (Paul) should come the next day but this did not go down well with Paul. Inspector Atigsika said Paul held the priest's hands and assaulted him severally till he fell unconscious before bolting away with 35,000 cedis and 50 dollars.

He said upon regaining consciousness the priest reported the incident to the police, where the suspect was arrested at Binaba and admitted the offence and promised to refund the money.