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Regional News of Wednesday, 2 November 2022

Source: Atsriku Selase, Contributor

Coaches Course: Tackling issues of sports participation in the Volta Region

A photo of  two participating coaches and Coach Paul Dzaka (instructor) A photo of two participating coaches and Coach Paul Dzaka (instructor)

The second edition of the Fafali Organization’s flagship program, Coach the Coaches Course was held in Kpoviadzi in the Volta region of Ghana on Monday, August 1, 2022. The course is organized by the Fafali Organization in partnership with Norfafa Limited Company, Ngorli CIC (UK), and KitAid. Forty (40) individuals registered for the course and were attended by thirty-six (36) individuals (females included) who were under the tutelage of five (5) of the highly certified coaches and trainers of the Fafali Organization. There were participants who train and manage the top teams in the Volta region division one and two leagues, coaches with CAF license B certificates, and many others. These tutors were; Randy Edem Amezado (Head Coach, Ngorli FC and Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration, GIMPA), Satya den Boer (Senior Instructor from the Netherlands), Paul Dzaka (Assistant Coach, Ngorli FC and GIMPA), David Amezado (Physical Trainer, Ngorli FC, and GIMPA), and Alex Ameza (Instructor, Akatsi All-Stars). CEO of the Fafali Organization, Senyo Sosu made known the reason why the Organization went the extra mile to move the course to the doors of the people as compared to the people actually coming to the organization. “Volta region is one of the regions that lack sporting activities, so taking it there, we think it has sparked that participation as they (Voltarians) are known to be all about their books but we believe this course offers them the avenue to widen their scope in sports.” Mr. Sosu said. He also gave the preamble that, if we take a critical look at our national teams, that are few players from the Volta region, hence, the organization’s move to change the status quo. The course was organized for free for all these individuals who were imparted by the ever-thoughtful, coaches and instructors from the Fafali Organization. The course brings to bear a lot of dynamism as compared to what we witness in the everyday coaching courses our national team coaches attend. This course was also specifically set to tackle the increasingly lackluster nature of the people of the Volta region. Over the past few years, the region has been noted for its lack of interest in developmental discourse. The Fafali Organization in an attempt to erase such a notion and imbibe in the people a sense of commitment, sent their tutors to the region to impact the natives. Instructors of the course, Randy Edem Amezado and Alex Ameza (Don Mazy) mentioned to us their excitement to give this people the opportunity to impact thousands of people under their watch. “I am from the Volta region and as a student of the game, I got a deep knowledge in football and I saw it wise to share with my people at home as we realized the region was always missing from the sporting light in Ghana” Randy Edem Amezado said. He also added that, “it was rough at the beginning of the course because there were only 7 people present but as the days went by, the number increased to 36”. He concluded by mentioning that it is his hope that all these 36 coaches go ahead to impact the lives of the many talented children out there after acquiring a great deal of knowledge. Alex Ameza alluded to all Randy mentioned but was impressed with how fast the participants adapted to the change in tactical knowledge and their willingness to learn. He admonished all other coaches in the region who were not able to join the course, to “be open to learn new things as coaching is a key component of the game of football”. We engage the thoughts of some participants of the course who happen to be experienced and learned coaches in the Volta region sporting fraternity. They share with us their excitement and their takeaways from the course. Godwin Yeko, a twenty (20) years veteran soccer coach, surprised at the turn of events, remarked that what he has learnt during this time “is quite different from what I have gone through and this (course) has enlightened me”. He also added that he hopes to use the knowledge gained to climb up the coaching ladder in the region as well as to impact the talented children in his community. Simon Kpewu, a CAF Licensed “B” coach and the former coach of the renowned Agbozume Weavers, and Bright “Elbow” Ocloo, a second division team coach, shared the same viewpoints about the course they had just participated in. They are delighted to upgrade their resumes as more knowledge only means improvement and capability. Soccer Clinic A soccer clinic is a way for new, recreational, soccer programs to introduce the game to novice children. This can be a fun way to demonstrate many of the skills involved in the game and to help parents or hosts determine the level of interest of their children and players. As part of the Coach the Coaches Course, the Fafali Organization organizes soccer clinics for children in selected communities by providing them with readily available equipment to sustain their interest in the game of football. Soccer clinics are organized by the Fafali organization to help fight issues of social vices in communities known for that. Taking children off the street to play the game of football while enjoying the atmosphere is a catalyst for social development. The Soccer clinic in the Volta region was organized in Kpoviadzi and three (3) other nearby communities; Adakpo, Bakpa, and Wute. Over 500 children were impacted during the process of the soccer clinic. Each child was given a jersey and a soccer ball under the tutelage of a football coach. The children in these communities enjoyed every moment of this exercise as they sang the praises of the Fafali Organization after every round of activity. The hope is to keep the Coach the Coaches Course running for as long as possible and in as many regions as possible to extend the impact in all part of the country and beyond.