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Regional News of Tuesday, 26 September 2023

Source: Gloria Morgan

We must empower women to be financially independent – Gloria Morgan

The Founder of Global Learning Centres, Gloria Morgan has reiterated the need to empower women and girls by giving them the needed training in the lucrative skilled trades so they can be independent and do something for themselves instead of depending only on men.

She explained Ghana must also encourage women to venture into vocational skills for them to become leaders and an example to those around them.

She stressed the urgent need to step up efforts to create pathways for women and girls to enter the lucrative nontraditional skilled trades left to men.

According to her, removing barriers to entry, retention, and promotion in academia, government service, and the commercial sector, as well as boosting access to educational opportunities starting at a young age, are necessary to achieve equity for women and girls in STEM disciplines.

Dr. Morgan further stressed that knowledge with enthusiasm is crucial for both personal and professional development.

She stated: “We need to usher more women into STEM leadership positions” to encourage more women to seek STEM jobs. Women are more likely to apply for leadership positions and speak up for themselves if they see more female leaders, according to research by UNESCO".

She pointed out there is an unconscious bias whereby some people continue to believe men with the same qualifications are more likely to succeed than women.

She said, “Especially in STEM professions, we all must eradicate unconscious prejudices in hiring and promotions. By encouraging women to pursue STEM-related occupations, Global Learning Centers hopes to aid in a just transition to a regenerative economy".

Global Learning Centers has taken a step in the right direction by empowering women in Ghana through training in the lucrative, skilled trades.

They operate in the Eastern Region (Atimpoku and surrounding areas) and equip women with employable skills while assisting them with free childcare.

Global Learning Centers also provides women IT training, reading literacy courses, and a Girls’ STEM Club for primary and JHS girls in the community.