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Regional News of Monday, 27 February 2023

Source: Mensah B. Ruth

Sofokrom Ebiradze family in the Western Region pleads with government to bring perpetrators to book

The Head and Elders of the Ebiradze family of Sofokrom in the Sekondi Takoradi Metropolitan area have expressed disappointment at the illegal demolition exercise believed to have been conducted by 'fake' National Security Officers in the area.

The illegal demolition exercise affected eight different flats put up by three private developers at Sofokrom who had legally acquired the land from the family and secured the needed land title registration and permit from the Assembly and the Regional Survey Department to develop.

Ebusupanyin Samuel Brown, Head of the Ebiradze family at Sofokrom together with the developers told journalists, the demolition exercise carried out on February 7th, 2023, by the so called national Security officials have left the land owners and the developers in a state of shock and disbelief as to why such order was carried out without any engagement or notice to the developers or the Family.

He queried: "Why should this happen in our own land...are we becoming or promoting lawlessness as a people...this is my family land which is intact and litigation which state official or an enterprise thinks that he could just take our laws into their hands".

The Chief said a follow up to the Regional National Security to enquire into the subject had revealed that the state apparatus did not sanctioned any demolishing of buildings on Ebiradze lands, at Sofokrom.

They, have, therefore, appealed to the National Security Secretariat, the police administration and Regional Security Council (REGSEC), to intervene to avert any upheaval in the community.

"We want to know what court document they have to carry out such impunities.. They want to frustrate our efforts at building peace and encouraging development in our locality," the Chief said.

Abusuapanyin Brown recalled how some Chinese business owner had been allowed by some 'big Fishes' to establish a factory on their property without the needed acknowledgement to the family and how the matter had been sent to court and judged in the family's favour.

In 2016, the Ebiradze land matter went to court and on January 14, 2020, judgement by Justice Richard Adjei-Frempong ruled in their favor.

He prayed that unwarranted political interference in traditional matters and Aiding and abetting by some frontline men and women to the detriment of the local people seize now..."What i know is that leaders protect their own and don't use the powers invested in them to rather destroy....this is our homeland and must indeed be protected".

Emmanuel Doddo, one of the private developers, who showed copies of his indenture to the Press lamented how he had to acquire a loan facility to carry out the project, "How can a fellow Ghana who calls her/himself state protection officer do this to is without any notice...we were told this even done at night".