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Regional News of Tuesday, 13 June 2023

Source: Aminu Ibrahim, Contributor

NUGS inspires students to be innovative leaders and entrepreneurs

Students who attended the leadership summit Students who attended the leadership summit

The National Union of Ghana Students (NUGS) in the Simon Diedong Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies (SDD UBIDS) has inspired students of the university to be innovative and proactive leaders and entrepreneurs in solving the world’s problems.

Hundreds of students of the university were inspired at a Leadership and
Entrepreneurship Summit organised by the local NUGS at the UBIDS campus, Wa which brought together entrepreneurs, motivational speakers, and political and academic professionals.

Maria Johana Yuorpor, an industrial and organisational psychologist and a
business development consultant addressing the scores of students at the summit,
urged them to be innovative in thinking and creating solutions to the problems they find in their schools, communities and localities.

She told the students that to be an entrepreneur has to start with the individual identifying what they like and are passionate about, and then consciously developing ideas around what could be done to help the society while making earnings out of it.

She who was also the CEO of Mara Foods and Mara Closet, dovetailing into
her entrepreneurial journey, told the students to be curious in asking
questions and seeking networks and healthy relations with colleagues and mentors.

“To network, I usually say you have to DIE. Taking it from the bottom, the ‘E’ stands for Exchanging ideas with people, ‘I’ stands for Interacting with people, and ‘D’ stands Developing yourself once you are networked,” she said.

She added that networking and building relations with people was closely linked to volunteering for causes that promote societal wellbeing and volunteerism
connects people with like interests and builds valuable life skills and relationships.

The Member of Parliament (MP) for Tamale North, Alhassan Sayibu Suhuyini also
urged the students to do self-introspections and explore their interests and passions as he believed the biggest solutions the world was awaiting lie next to their interests and passions.

“Dare to take calculated risks, be unafraid to fail and remain unrepentantly optimistic. That way, you could be the next entrepreneur or the next leader or the next my own word ‘leaderpreneur’.

“You could just be the one the world is waiting for to revolutionise agriculture, to revolutionise health or education as we know it now. It could be one of you in this room or many of you.

“So do not be afraid to ignite that spirit of leadership and entrepreneurship within you and step up to create a better tomorrow for all,” he encouraged.

Suhuyini, however, admonished that becoming a leader or an entrepreneur does not
come easy without dedication and sacrifices, but he further warned it was even more perilous not to strive to become any.

“It will be worse for you if you do not strive in this life to be a leader in whatever field you find yourself or an entrepreneur or both,” he admonished.

He urged the students to keep their hopes alive and be guided by them, as he posited that purposeful pursuit of their ‘hopes and dreams’ would make them equal to those who have ‘ways and means’.

“On the journey of life, you will need people, people will need you but remember, no one owes you anything,” he stressed.