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Regional News of Tuesday, 28 February 2023


NDC and NPP congratulate new Yagbonwura of Gonjaland

Both the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the Savannah Region have congratulated the newly selected Yagbonwura Yiram Amobanefe Borenyi (I) through statements copied to Bole-based Nkilgi Fm.

The NDC said they received the heartening news of the selection of the new Yagbonwura elect, Yiram Amobanefe Borenyi I, in recognition of his status as the new Overlord of the entire Gonja traditional area.

A statement by the NDC Communication Officer for the Savannah Region RA Jalil said; “on behalf of the NDC, the entire Savanna Region membership and on my behalf, I write to therefore express warm felicitations to you on your attainment of the apex of the Gonja kingship hierarchy.

He added that “We are especially gratified that your ascension has further proven the resilience of the Gonja Kingdom’s time-tested succession plan, dating back centuries of no interruption”.

The NDC said; “As stakeholders of the land we want to assure Yiram Nbema Amobanefe Borenyi I of our fullest support, including the respect and non-interference of the Gonja tradition chieftaincy processes, as we have always done to his predecessors”.

RA Jail said; “The NDC has undoubtedly been proud of its achievements across the breadth and length of the Gonja kingdom, ranging from construction of Schools, hospitals, roads, electrification, human resource development, factories etc. for the uplifting of quality life in Gonjaland and Ghana as a whole. Yiram is therefore rest assured of the continuation of this stands for his Kingdom’s fair share of the national cake when H.E John Dramani Mahama, a son of the soil and also the presumptive flag bearer of the NDC, becomes the President of the Republic of Ghana on 7th January 2025”.

The NPP on the other hand in a statement signed by the Savannah Regional Secretary Mr Mohammed Issah said; “on behalf of the Regional Chairman, Alhaji Sulemana Iddrisu, the Savannah Regional NPP would like to by this notice officially congratulate the New King and overlord of the Gonja Kingdom-Elect, Jira Tulwewura Soale Mbemah Amonebafi Borenyi I, on his appointment to the greatest throne of the Jakpa Kingdom”.

The statement added that; “at the behest of the acting King and Head of the Kingdom, Jira Sonyowura Adamu Kanyiti Bakari, together with the Kingmakers announced a new Yagbonwura in Damango as tradition and custom of the land demands”.

The NPP said; “The entire NPP in the Savannah Region and the Nation congratulates you on this well-deserved appointment. It is the belief of all, that your dedication, selflessness and compassionate leadership alongside the spirit of Ndewura Jakpa, shall lead you in the execution of your duties as the new overlord”.

The statement from the NPP added that; “The Gonja Kingdom has been the centre of attraction and attention since the death of her Overlord and King a few weeks ago. As documented and practised by the Gonja people historically, succession and transition to the Yagbon skin are admired from far for its unique success and beauty”.

The NPP also said; “As we congratulate the new King, we also take this opportunity to congratulate Jira, Sonyowura, the Kingmakers, the Jakpa palace, the gallant Youth led by Gonjaland Youth Association and the people of Gonjaland, for successfully carrying out such a sacred duty for our generation and posterity”.