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Regional News of Tuesday, 25 October 2022

Source: Mensah B. Ruth

Jomoro MP’s Ivorian lawyer schools NPP lawyer in Court

In the last proceedings from the court, the case was adjourned to today, Monday, October 24, 2022. The expert witness from Ivory Coast, who is a lawyer, appeared to be cross-examined. The lawyer for the petitioner started by asking the witness how he’s known, Hon. Dorcas Affo Toffey, and he answered by saying that it’s only this month that he’s known her but went ahead to explain that he’s only here in Ghana to give a witness relative to the laws of Cote d’Ivoire as far as dual citizenship is concerned. It must be noted that the cross-examination turned out to be an education for the lawyers of the petitioner and the judge himself as the witness highlighted in detail all the laws relating to citizenship. The lawyer for the petitioner at some point asked whether the witness had seen the letter the first respondent wrote to the ministry requesting the renunciation of her citizenship. The witness answered by saying that he had seen it with his eyes, and it’s even in the archives of the government of Cote d’Ivoire as a public document. He went on to explain to the court that article 48, 49, and 52 of the laws in Cote d’Ivoire states clearly that once a citizen of Cote d’Ivoire applies for another citizenship in another country, that person automatically ceases to be a citizen of Cote d’Ivoire. In summary, the witness, who happens to be an expert lawyer, explained everything to the court to the amazement of all who were present, which left the lawyer for the petitioner to end his cross-examination. The Electoral Commission’s witness, Mr. Samuel Mensah, was also crossed examined by both the petitioner’s and first respondent’s lawyers. In short, Mr. Samuel Mensah indicated Hon. Dorcas complied with the regulations governing the 2020 parliamentary elections. All lawyers in the case have been asked to submit their written submissions to the court by November 7, 2022. The case has since been adjourned to Monday, November 21, 2022, for final judgement.