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Editorial News of Thursday, 16 October 2003

Source: ISD

Electronic Media Monitoring: Summary Of Phone-Ins


? The NPP and the NDC are not the only political parties in Ghana, so let us forget about them and think about how to build our country. They are not more important than Ghana. President Kufuor has failed Ghana. Prof. Atta Mills will be the saviour.

? If Kwabena Agyapong and Asamoah Boateng continue with their arrogance, they would rather be making the NPP unpopular. We are going to vote the NPP out of power come the 2004 general elections.

? The NPP government’s decision to upgrade certain secondary schools is a step in the right direction, but what I would like to advise is that teachers should be well trained to man these institutions so as to enable them compete with the endowed ones in the Central and Greater Accra regions.

? Why have the security agencies gone to search Dr. Tony Aidoo’s home for a gun, when they know that the AK 47 rifles that were used to kill the Ya Na and 40 others are still in the possession of the murderers? Have the police gone to Dagbon to conduct a search for guns?

? Dr. Tony Aidoo is experiencing the NPP’s style of governance. It is a government that hates criticism, so those who openly criticize it are intimidated. They are doing worsen than what they accused the NDC of doing.

? Ghanaians will continue to oppose anything the NPP does that is unconstitutional, as we did in the case of the proposed sale of Ghana Commercial Bank and Ghana Airways.

? If Kwabena Agyepong continues with his insulting behaviour against personalities in the NDC, we will do the same to President Kufuor. Because he is our President, we have given him the respect due him but if his men go against the principles of good governance, we will advise ourselves.


? The media should be commended for bringing out the Pioneer Food Cannery issue. Expatriates who come to work in Ghana take workers for granted. The Pioneer Food Cannery case should serve as a deterrent to other factories.

? Factory Inspectors should be held responsible for the plight of workers at the Pioneer Food Cannery. It is their responsibility to check on conditions at factories, so the Ministry of Trade and Industry should act now.

? Dr. Tony Aidoo, as a former Deputy Minister of Defence and a learned person, should know that his utterances in pubic will do him no good. If he continues like that, he will only give room to his opponents to reply in the same manner.

? The NDC is alleging that there is more corruption going on in the Kufuor administration than has ever been experienced in Ghana. It is these same people who, when corrupt officials are dismissed, accuse the government of witch hunting.

? There is a law in Ghana that makes it an offence to carry an unlicensed gun, so Dr. Tony Aidoo and the NDC should have known better. Would they have condemned the search if it had been conducted on someone else?

? The manner in which the NDC politicizes every issue concerning members of their party is bad and must be stopped. Do they mean to tell Ghanaians that they are above the law? The NDC should stop the unnecessary complaints they have been making against the NPP administration.

? For the three years that the NPP has been in power, more development projects have been going on in the districts than during the eight years of the NDC. So Ama Benyiwa-Doe should speak the truth and not just criticize the NPP government unnecessarily.


? The government should hold those who are heads of organizations responsible if they don’t perform. The Board of Directors of Ghana Airways should be used as an example to others. The collapse of most of Ghana’s factories is due to the insensitivity of the heads.

? Members of Parliament should not be taken serious as they have always made vain promises to the electorate. They make all sort of promises, but when voted into power, they forget about their promises.

? The upgrading of some selected secondary schools in the districts as announced by President Kufuor, is a laudable idea. This will take away the burden of students having to travel long distance to the south to seek admission into the endowed schools.

? Journalists should investigate problems that workers face at their work places as in the case of the Pioneer Food Cannery and not focus on the private lives of personalities, which is of no use for public consumption.

? The government should institute measures to help check indiscipline at work places, especially the ministries. Workers go to work at a time convenient to them and close before 5 pm. There are some civil servants who don’t hold a pen for weeks, but receive salaries at the end of every month. It is unfortunate that all these are done before the very eyes of Directors, Chief Directors and Ministers.