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Politics of Sunday, 13 December 2020


Your advice to Mahama to run a parallel govt absurd - Franklin Cudjoe to Inusah Fuseini

Founder and leader of Policy Think Tank, IMANI Africa, Franklin Cudjoe has chided the Member of Parliament for Tamale Central, Inusah Fuseini for advising John Dramani Mahama to declare himself as the President of the Republic as well as form a parallel government.

The MP who was speaking on Pan African TV Friday said, “I have said and I have advocated that he declares himself President and forms a parallel government. And if he was minded to take my views, he should declare himself President and set up a parallel government. The impunity of this government which is legendary must stop and that’s how we stop it”.

Reacting to this, Franklin Cudjoe stated that it was unfortunate such a comment came from a lawmaker, stressing that his advice to the NDC flagbearer, John Dramani Mahama was absurd.

Franklin Cudjoe further entreated John Mahama not to heed to the ill-advice given to him by his party faithful.

Sending a caution to the MP on his Facebook page, the IMANI Africa boss said, “Hon. Inusah Fuseini! You are very wrong! Your advice to JM to run a parallel government is absurd! JM must do no such a thing.”

Some Ghanaians have also taken to social media to register their displeasure about the comments passed by the lawmaker.

Read his Facebook post below.