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Politics of Monday, 29 January 2018


We took advantage of Gitmo 2 saga during 2016 campaign period - NPP Vice Chair

Vice Chairman of the Eastern Regional NPP, Nana Fredua Agyeman Ofori-Atta has admitted that the New Patriotic Party capitalized on the emotions of Ghanaians for its campaign when the Mahama-led government accepted the ex-Guantanamo Bay detainees.

According to the Vice Chairman who was speaking on TV3’s New Day on Saturday, the NDC dealt poorly with the issue in terms of information flow to the public leaving the public panicking.

He said because the issue was a sensitive one, the NPP decided to use it to its advantage.

“The politics is real. At the time how was the matter handled, it was handled poorly, and we deserved to take advantage of the political fuel and we did so rightfully, and there is nothing wrong with what we did,” he said.

Nana Fredua Agyeman Ofori-Atta also said he still stands by everything he might have said concerning the stay of the two – Mahmud Umar Muhammad Bin Atef and Khalid Muhammad Salih Al-Dhuby.

“I am saying I spoke about it, and everything I said I will not withdraw. The reality was that we did not know enough about these people.”

He further questioned the reason behind the decision by the NDC to keep information from the public.

“I agree with the matter of certain things not being exposed to people. There are certain things we should never know because it will bring us chaos and that is what good governance is about. We recognize there are issues that might jeopardize national security, but the citizenry ought to be kept informed. “

Speaking to the same issue on New Day, a Senior Lecturer at the University of Education, Winneba Dr Ahmed Jinapor accused the NPP of not being truthful to Ghanaians.

“I don’t think the NPP as a party is being candid with us. In 2016, the NPP capitalized the fear of Ghanaians having terrorists coming in at the time that the NDC government said it was unaware. “

He also expressed his disagreement with the Foreign Affairs Minister who told Parliament that government hands were tied with respect to the continuous stay of the ex-detainees in Ghana.

“I disagree with her, because, you can revoke their refugee status if you feel they are a threat to society.”

According to the Senior Lecturer, the issue of the two detainees has been treated as a political chess game played between the NPP and NDC.

“The NDC did not manage it well. They have a responsibility to tell us the true story and hold the NPP accountable, and the NPP has also been inconsistent.”