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Diasporia News of Friday, 3 November 2006

Source: kwame Adjetia[spirit fm ]

At Long Last NDC In Amsterdam

The old adage that goes like ;the cat has finally being let out of the bag or sack ;should be the correct analogy to the massive crowd that thronged to the St.Augustinus college in Amsterdam south east when a wing chapter of the largest opposition party in Ghana National Democratic Congress(N.D.C.) was launched last saturday evening.

It was a bold attempt by the members and sympathisers of the party who some travelled from far to join celebrate the birth of their beloved party NDC.

The meeting took of around 6pm with Mr. Kwesi Flecther the interim general secratary enumerated some of the short falls of the NPP government ,micro and macro economic strategies of the government that has nothing to show in livelyhood of the people in Ghana.He also commended the ndc for being the pacesetters of democracy in Ghana, Mr.Fletcher challenged members of the party not to hesitate in identifying themelves with the party since it,s only NDC that can turn round the fortunes of the country for a better future as well as properity in the lives of the people.

In his opening Address the interim chairman Mr. Patrick Dogbe could not hide his excitement by shouting eye zu eye za intermittently during his speech,He challenged the npp for not attending to issues of national interest but resorting to attacking the fomer president who also doubles the founder and leader of the NDC j.j Rawlings, Uncle Pat as he is affectionately called offered a word of caution to the incumbent Government not to be blinded by the recent victory of the party in the offinso south by election but rather strive to make good the promises it,s made to the electorate.Other executive members also gave out few remarks on the importance of the meeting and the need for the memebers to take such meetings serious not for the sake of the party but Ghana as a whole.

The meeting ended as usual with item 13 amidst ndc songs by the veteran musician Jewel Ackah,now the ball is right in the court of Npp,when are they also coming out boldy,much has not being seen from them ,so guys please come out boldy in Amsterdam .