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Politics of Tuesday, 28 July 2020


'Simple' voter registration exercise engulfed by 'brute force, blood-letting - Prof Opoku-Agyemang

An otherwise simple exercise to register voters has become fraught with violence, Prof Naana Jane Opoku-Agyemang, the running mate to the flag bearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Mr John Mahama, has said.

“All we are doing right now is what has always been a very simple exercise of registration. What is not so simple this time is that the exercise is taking place in a time of a dreadful pandemic that is still evolving, and our case numbers still rising.

“As if this is not bad enough, the level of violence, brute force, blood-letting and sheer breakdown of law and order in an otherwise straightforward act of registering to vote is unbefitting of this nation that was until recently, a fulcrum of democracy in our region”, Prof Opoku-Agyemang said in Accra on Monday, 27 July 2020 when she was outdoored by Mr Mahama.

“How did we descend into this situation?” she asked.

“The answer is simple: when there appears to be selective justice; when some offenders are not even placed on the hook but are hailed and promoted for being nasty and violent, the logical outcome is what we see.

“This situation of people dying, being harassed, because they have decided to register to vote, is not a story we can tell any child in the future, especially when the curriculum is hinged on tolerance. What will be our response if they pose their favourite question: ‘Why’ or if they add a few words and ask the storyteller: ‘So what did you do?’ Or, 'and what did you say to that?'”

Ghana’s first female Vice-Chancellor of a public university, said: “We need to show up and vote come December 7th. Each one of us must jealously guard our sacred right to vote and reject the attempts by some to disenfranchise millions of voters. We are all Ghanaians, and we love this country deeply. Do not let anyone make you feel otherwise”.

According to her, “The choice we have in this election is clear: we can either build a Ghana where every citizen regardless of background is afforded equal opportunity to become their best selves. Or we can continue on a path where a few people attempt to control and dictate the destiny of the people who have given them the privilege to govern”.

“Let our politics deviate from this unproductive path of injustice and non-peace. Ghana does not belong to any select few. We The People, all of us, are the protectors and owners of this country for our collective good and for that of generations unborn.

“What makes Ghana so special is that – despite our various ethnic groups, religions, and diverse backgrounds – we all come together as one people under one flag, inspired by the sacrifices of our ancestors to create a great country. And everyone’s ancestor has been a worthy contributor to this space now called Ghana, whose artificial borders, sadly, we seek to make even more artificial, as if our continent has not suffered enough from the initial assault. Everyone matters. We have come too far as a nation to still cling to our primordial tribal bigotries.

“Diversity is a source of great strength. Whether you are Ga, Mfantse, Sisali, Ewe, Asante, Nzema, Mamprusi, or any other ethnic group, you are valued as a Ghanaian.

“You have every right to walk with confidence, with a high resolve to make huge contributions to this nation.

“Let nobody, let no one question your identity or patriotism. It is time to put all these needless, unproductive and backward distractions behind us and get on with the serious business of nation building. The time is now”.