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Politics of Tuesday, 25 October 2022


Probe reckless handling of Constituency elections – Concerned E/R NDC caucus to leadership

A group calling itself the Concerned Eastern Regional caucus of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) has expressed displeasure with the handling of the just-ended Constituency elections by the Regional Executives of the party. This comes on the back of delays in voting at the just-ended constituency elections of the party, in the Eastern Region. A statement issued by the group, Sunday, 23 October 2022, condemned the manner in which the elections was conducted by the election committee. “We condemn , without any reservation, the shoddy manner in which an election committee set up by the regional team handled the printing and distribution of election material for not more than 33 constituencies that resulted in almost all the constituency elections not happening on the appointed date, leading to frustration and disappointment of contestants, delegates, ordinary Party members and all officials (including the electoral commission and the police) who had assembled for the exercise from 7 a.m. on Saturday, October 22nd till 5 p.m. when the exercise had to be called off,” the group said. It continued that: “To make matters worse, the officials with the responsibility to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of the exercise could not be reached on phone readily to explain why the election materials were not being delivered and when one was lucky to speak to any of them, lies about the delivery were told us from 9 a.m. until about 4 p.m. when a few constituencies received their election material.” The group therefore demanded an “immediate inquiry into this reckless handling of such an important Party exercise.” It further demanded that “appropriate sanctions be brought against all those who have proved incompetent in the handling of this exercise, especially those who are seeking re-election to manage our affairs in the region.” The group indicated that it will not “allow a few selfish and disgruntled members to tarnish the image” of the Party and urged persons who “cannot show enough commitment and loyalty to the Party and its vision of helping build a better Ghana,” to give way to more committed and courageous members to lead the Party going into elections 2024.