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General News of Saturday, 25 November 2006

Source: Danso-Boafo, K

Judge Prof. Mills For Yourself -NDC North America

As the rank and file of the NDC prepare to converge at the Trade Fair site in Accra to elect the flagbearer to lead the party to victory in the 2008 elections, We call on them to ignore the fallacies about political leadership that are being propounded and peddled around the campaign circuit. We want to make it very clear that there is no research study to support the causal relationship between age and political leadership success or failure. What is known is that political leadership is influenced by one’s personality, role, organization, tasks, values and the setting in which the leadership finds itself.
The days when one’s personality traits were the sole determining factor in leadership success or failure are gone. Current findings point to the extent to which the leader is able to interact with the socio-econo-political situation to achieve societal goals !We strongly believe that Prof. John Evans Atta Mills has got what it takes to lead the NDC one more time. We therefore call on the NDC supporters to bear the following Atta Mills’ qualities in mind when voting at next month’s Congress:
• With his background as the former vice president, Professor Atta Mills has a personal first hand knowledge and experience about the day to day running of the Executive branch of government. Therefore, he does not need to be “drilled” in order to be exposed to the intricacies of the presidency. As someone remarked the other day, “the man has been there before and knows what is there. There would be no moments of uncertainty, panic and anxiety as it was evidently the case when the current president took power”.
• Professor Mills is a better qualified candidate than all others. Apart from his experience at the presidency, his professional and academic competence and accomplishments are without question. He has what it takes to assemble the right caliber of people who will help him fulfill the demands of the manifesto of the NDC party and thereby meet the needs of the people of Ghana.
• Professor Atta Mills' two previous loses will be his gains in the 2008 presidential elections. As a result of his long association with the electorate before, during and after the two previous general elections, he has established closer bond and familiarity with them. As we write, his name has become a household name with the general electoral population in Ghana. There is not a single electoral constituency in Ghana where the electorate cannot readily identity professor Mills with the NDC. He is very well identified as the flag bearer of our great party more than any other presidential aspirant.
• Professor Atta Mills has earned the respect of many Ghanaian opinion leaders and the masses as well. This is due to his belief that politics should be devoid of insults , character assassination ,and malicious fabrications against opponents. His long standing reputation for peaceful coexistence among all people regardless of their political , religious and ethnic orientations, makes him the obvious choice to unify our motherland and lead us to the level that we deserve to be. No wonder, he is affectionately known and called the ASOMDWEEHENE (the prince of peace) by all peace loving people of Ghana.
• Professor Mills has earned a high level of reputation and integrity with the international community as well. Among other national and international assignments, he represented Ghana on several global forums and conferences. There were occasions in which he represented the President of Ghana and chaired functions in his capacity as the Head of State. He is therefore well connected with other serving and former world leaders who still have stakes in international politics and world affairs. He is already known among the global community of statesmen/women and will need little or no effort to attract international recognition and acceptance.
• Professor Atta-Mills secured more than 45% of the total votes cast during the last two presidential elections respectively. This shows that at least about forty-five percent of the electorate have identified with him at one time or the other. In 2008, there will be no incumbency who might take undue advantage to exploit the political terrain. Even though the ruling party might employ state machineries to their advantage, Professor Mills stands a better chance of winning the presidential elections against any individual candidate. It is no secret that he is committed to the task ahead and dedicated to its demands and as long as we do not give up on him, he will not give up on us.
• There are countless examples of world leaders who did not make it to the top at the very first few attempts but were able to make it through hard work, dedication and the will to succeed. The late Abraham Lincoln who is arguably one of the greatest presidents of America is one shining example of this fact. Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua’s recent victory is the latest example.
• The NDC party has come a long way, and so giving up at this time is not the option, and trading in candidates is not the best choice either. Lets all put our weights behind Professor John Evans Atta Mills because at this point in our political journey he is the obvious choice of the good people of Ghana. And we cannot afford to disappoint our numerous members, friends and sympathizers. Let us build a united front because together, we can.
Long live the National Democratic Congress, long Live mother Ghana. Emefa,mia-mia !!!
Prof. K. Danso-Boafo, Coordinator( Mba Atinga, Administrator
William Antwi, Esq. Attorney, J.Saka Coleman,V. Ayorkor Coleman, Kwasi Edem(Kwasi Lapaz, Percy Eshun, Ato Essel, , Gilbert Kubayanda, I.Assan-Mensah, Daniel Wiafe. Dr. Manboah-Rockson, Dr. Mohamed Iddisu, Nick Mante,Appiah Twumasi Ankrah, Kojo Aggor, Sabina Aggor, Gifty D. Armah, Matilda Ablor, Mary Brantey, Adeline Effia Otsen, Ramatu Abdulai, Nii Ashi-Boi Armah, Dora Essel-Mensah
Eugene Agben, Akuamoah Ofosu Boateng, Yusif Moro

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