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Politics of Tuesday, 11 April 2023


NDC can ban me ‘outburst’: Koku Anyidoho salutes Okudzeto Ablakwa

Dismissed deputy General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Koku Anyidoho has reacted to a recent outburst by Member of Parliament (MP) for North Tongu, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa.

The MP was recently captured vowing not to support colleague parliamentarians who defied the party’s orders to vote against the approval of new appointees of the government.

Koku who has repeatedly spoken against his purported dismissal from the party averred that his long held views of treachery in the party were being vindicated.

He shared a video of Ablakwa with the caption: “I will praise my Maker while I have breath. Vindication surely lies in the womb of time. Are the babies now grown up? Welcome to the club of “principled thinking”.”

What Ablakwa said:

Speaking at the Obaasima Campus Tour event at the University of Health and Allied Science in Ho, last Friday, Ablakwa, said the action by some of his colleagues have made the NDC lose credibility in the eyes of many Ghanaians.

He added that he is not going to work with the “treacherous” NDC MPs even if it means he will be suspended from the party.

“They said we should hold a press conference and tell the Ghanaian public that we will vote against (the president’s appointees), that we are opposed; only for the vote to take place after the press conferences and public assurances, more than 30 of you stabbed us in the back.

“And you think that I am going to support you people because you belong to my party. I will not because we don't even have credibility, the next time we will go and hold a press conference the Ghanaian people will not take us seriously.

“I don’t believe in treacherous politics, politics without principals, politics of betrayal, I don’t believe in that. And if because of that, one day, I will be suspended or banished from the party so be it,” he said.


Parliament on Friday, March 24, approved all six ministerial nominees as well as the nominees of the Supreme Court of President Akufo-Addo after a heated debate, 24 hours earlier and a tense voting process.

Final results declared by Speaker Alban Bagbin showed that all nominees got more votes than the minimum of 138 votes required because out of the 275 eligible voters, there were three absent.

Some Members of Parliament (MPs) of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) did not adhere to the decision of the party to vote against the approval of the nominees.

Leading figures in the NDC, including former President John Dramani Mahama, slammed the MPs who broke ranks and have accused them of betraying NDC supporters and Ghanaians for their selfish interest.

The MP for North Tongu, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, has challenged the said MPs, who were allegedly bribed, according to Cape Coast South MP, Kweku George Ricketts-Hagan, to come out and tell Ghanaians why they voted to approve Akufo-Addo's nominees.

Watch a video of Ablakwa’s remarks below:

Watch the latest episode of The Lowdown below: