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Politics of Tuesday, 25 October 2022


Majority of NDC MPs support Asiedu Nketiah over Ofosu-Ampofo - Ahmed Ibrahim

The Deputy Minority Whip in Parliament, Ahmed Ibrahim, has stated that majority of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) MPs are rooting for Asiedu Nketiah to be elected National Chairman of the party. According to him, Asiedu Nketiah is the most qualified candidate to lead the party as chairman into the 2024 crucial elections. The Banda legislator cited how Asiedu Nketiah formed campaign teams to secure victory for some of the Members of Parliament in some constituencies in spite of intimidation and threats by the military in 2020. “He came to Banda, went Tain, to Wenchi East, and the Central Region where Ato Forson almost lost the elections because of intimidation from the police and the military. We had only 4 seats in the Central Region but General spent only two weeks there and that worked the magic for us to win 13 seats in the Central Region. “When the military attacked me with guns and murdered my nephew during the 2020 elections, it was only Asiedu Nketiah who sacrificed his life to come defend me and faced the military with his bare hands. “Again, which NDC executive did you see in parliament during the elections of Alban Bagbin as Speaker? It was Asiedu Nketiah who sat with us throughout the night and provided leadership. He was sitting on top of the majority side, giving direction, risking his life but the other executives, including Chairman Ampofo were all asleep,” he said. He further stated that it is because of such things that the majority of their members are pushing their support behind the General Secretary to become Chair. “Most of the majority of the NDC MPs are for Asiedu Nketiah. The number from 106 to 137 is because of Asiedu Nketiah’s sterling performance during the campaign,” he added. Ahmed Ibrahim made this known while speaking with the morning show host of Kumasi-based Oyerepa TV, Kwesi Parker-Wilson, on Tuesday, October 25, 2022. He also alleged that Chairman Samuel Ofosu-Ampofo failed to device good strategies to help the party win the elections but was only interested in following the flagbearer on the campaign trail. “We don’t need a chairman who will always follow the flagbearer around. We need national executives who will form their campaign team and device a strategy during campaign and Ofosu-Ampofo lacks that,” he added. The NDC will elect national executives on December 17, 2022. Watch the latest episode of People&Places on GhanaWeb TV below: AE/WA