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Politics of Wednesday, 9 August 2023


Hypocrite, blackmailer - Maurice Ampaw takes on Martin Kpebu over Ministers' East Legon mansion claim

Lawyer Maurice Ampaw has attacked fellow lawyer and social commentator Martin Kpebu, accusing him of political hypocrisy and attempting to blackmail public officials.

His accusations come in the wake of Kpebu's call for an investigation into the wealth of certain public officials.

In a recent panel discussion on TV3, Martin Kpebu alleged that he had information about a sitting minister who purportedly owns four mansions in the East Legon area.

He urged Ghanaians to come forward with information if they believed the source of wealth of any public official was questionable. However, his assertions have been met with a swift response from Maurice Ampaw.

Speaking on his Mmra Ne Abrabo Mu Nsem on Wontumi TV on August 6, 2023, Maurice Ampaw labeled Lawyer Kpebu as a "hypocrite" and "blackmailer" with intentions to manipulate public opinion through baseless allegations.

“A blackmailing bawyer like you, you are a blackmailer, I want you to take me on…you want to blackmail some of the MPs…you know a minister who has four houses why didn't you mention his name? You want to go the Anas way, so that they come and beg you, bring it on Martin Kpebu, NDC bring it on, because of Cecilia Dapaah…you people don’t know where she got her money from… you have labeled all NPP appointees and ministers as individuals amassing wealth illegally because of the upcoming elections,” he said.

He alleged that Martin Kpebu has affiliations with the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), and was using such allegations to favor his party in the upcoming elections.

“You Kpebu you speak for the NDC… charity begins at home, you are trying to make NPP ministers and appointees look as if they are the only one's building houses, but start from your party, Lawyer Kpebu, start from your party, your own party that you have turned yourself like a hypocrite who doesn’t want to be associate with them but you are with them.”

He challenged Kpebu's credibility by questioning his silence on alleged dubious projects and buildings that took place under the previous government's rule.

“Let me deal with Lawyer Kpebu, where is Lawyer Kpebu? Lawyer Kpebu has said that we have to go after politicians who are amassing wealth and building houses, and he said he is going to expose a politician who has built four houses, Martin Kpebu, Lawyer Martin Kpebu, hello, you have a miss call?

“Are you there, you are not serious, Martin Kpebu you are not serious, you have never been a serious politician and I am saying it on authority, because if you are a serious politician when did it cross your mind that politicians were building houses, when? Is it this government’s time?”

He cited the fact that the NDC built its current headquarters with 20 million dollars and the fact that some young party members had also amassed lots of wealth as reason why Kpebu should focus on matters at home.


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