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Politics of Friday, 15 December 2023

Source: Camara Jamie Winter, Contributor

Dr Hanna Bisiw assures victory for NDC in 2024

Dr. (Mrs) Hanna Louisa Bisiw Kotei, the National Women's Organizer of the biggest opposition party, National Democratic Congress, NDC, has successfully spearheaded the party's women's wing event dubbed National Women's Wing Year–In–Review Retreat 2023.

This is a 3-day event that started on the 11th of December 2023 and ended on the 13th of December 2023, under the theme, 'Building the Ghana We Want: Redefining Our Gender Relations and The Women's Manifesto.'

Speaking at the event, Dr. (Mrs) Hanna Louisa Bisiw Kotei echoed her accomplishments since taking office as the leader of the party's women's wing and underlined the program's importance.

She said the Year-In-Review Retreat will serve as checks and balances and help the executive and members identify which areas to improve in the future.

She also highlighted the importance of retraining members of the women's wing to be equipped with the required knowledge and skills, which will be crucial for the upcoming general elections in 2024.

Some party leaders, including the National Chairman, Asiedu Nketiah, the National Organizer, Honorable Joseph Yamin and Mustapha Gbande, the deputy general secretary (Operations) were in attendance to share their expertise.

On the first day, the former first lady of the Republic of Ghana, Mrs. Lordina Mahama, stressed uniting the party and how consequential it is for all stakeholders to join in unison as the 2024 election approaches.

She advised the women to solve issues within themselves, behave well, and speak life into people. Failure to achieve that can cause the party significant votes in 2024.

The 2020 running mate for President John Mahama, Professor Jane Naana Opoku Agyeman, Honorable Asiedu Nketiah (General Mosquito), Lawyer Edudzi Tamakloe and Margaret Ansei aka Magoo were some of the speakers of the event.

Honorable Comfort Doyoe Cudjoe, encouraged the participants to stay positive and focused on her address. She suggested that there should be some jobs allocated to women.

She said, "If you treat women well, they will also treat the party well, and If you give a woman a job, she will not have the luxury of engaging in internal or external bickering."

The 24-hour economy proposal by the flag bearer of the National Democratic Congress was touched on by the organizer of the event, Dr. (Mrs) Hanna Louisa Bisiw Kotei.

She emphasized that the 24-hour economy plan will empower the youth and propel them to economic freedom. The plan will create and sustain jobs for the younger generation and everyone in Ghana.

She said, "The primary purpose is to strategize, re-strategize, and position the Women's wing in readiness for the general elections in 2024 as we march forward to rescue the country from the incompetent Nana Addo and Dr. Bawumia government".