You are here: HomeOpinionsArticles2017 04 08Article 526935

Galamseyers will soon take over Okyehene’s palace to mine gold – Minister

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  • Naughty by nature 7 years ago

    The guy in the photo is decorated in gold dust.

  • PAUL GBAGBLADZA 7 years ago

    Kyebi is the headquarters led by Kyebihene

  • JAY 7 years ago

    I have always said Okyemhene is behind the Galamsey menance in his traditional area,if other Chiefs have been able to protect their lands why can't the Okyemhene do the same

  • INNO 7 years ago

    When JM said E/R is de Headquarters of galamsey almost all de radio stations in GH. esp. Cityfm, Joyfm, Adomfm, peacefm etc said JM has insulted ppl frm E/R. Minister of de region is saying same whrr r de bias radio stations

  • Kofi adu 7 years ago

    What a shot? And he knows that. Looking the other way.

  • KnYc(USMC) 7 years ago

    I hate galamseye, but if they have to over run Okyehene's palace, trust me, I will personally help them to do it. Why do people sit there just to destroy their own environment? This doesn't make sense.

  • THE CRUSADER 7 years ago

    He sees it and is well aware of the menances even Nana stays not far away from the damages flora ,Diane and the wildlife.What a sorry situation.And they call themselves accademics,shaaaame.

  • Nanaba 7 years ago

    I have always known that the Akyems are well educated but now I have changed my mind, they are fools and the Okyehene is the biggest of all of them. Why destroy your land, forest and water bodies and still say susubribi. The ...
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  • Brobbey@50 7 years ago

    Believe me, Okyehene is an environmentalist by profession and the same time the warlord of Okyeman, so how can he deny that he knows nothing about the this business. He took a bribe of 20 million old cedis through Oseam hene ...
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