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Academic research and Ghana's economic management: Where is the connection?

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  • Ensquare 9 years ago

    Sammy u are right. Our leaders are thinking where to lay their hands on any available money to spend. Unnecesary contract to sign and take their kick back. Majority of them do not want to think about tomorrow. But when they m ...
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  • kb original 9 years ago

    Sammy, let me begin by commending you for making an attempt at emphasizing the importance of research in planning and charting our developmental course. However, we will be able to sell our findings and contribute to nation ...
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  • Samuel Dobbin 9 years ago

    Thank you very much Sir.I have noticed spelling errors like : alms..instead of arms and others. i also accept your coherence critic..I believe it comes with practice. am very grateful sir.

  • Prof Lungu 9 years ago

    Mr. Samuel Dobbin,
    You make a good case for student research.

    Strangely, you appear to have missed professors who supervise student papers, and are naturally at the tip of the spear of the research effort, if they are wo ...
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  • Samuel Dobbin 9 years ago

    Thank you very much Prof. Its an area that surely needs attention. Am grateful

  • Kweku A 9 years ago

    Sir, you are right on the money! Its patently ridiculous. We disrespesct our institutions, but expect outsiders to respect us.
    We should also ask why public funds are used to send government officials abroad for medical car ...
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  • Mariam 9 years ago

    Well done Samuel.I really think its an area of concern.Researches done by students are now seen as mere formalities in order to complete school which shouldn't be the case.