Opinions of Sunday, 23 June 2013

Columnist: Asare, Noah

Judgement Debt Saga: Mahama Saddled

Many have been quick to call on President Mahama to order EOCO to expedite action on retrieving monies belonging to the state which were dashed out to Woyome, Waterville and Co. The calls are coming the wake of the ruling in favour of Ghana’s Citizen Vigilante, Gargantuan General Martin Amidu. Some are calling him to reward the Gargantuan General whilst some are even advocating his reinstatement as the substantive minister of justice and Attorney General. But to this time not even a cough have been heard from the president or the presidency regarding this nation wrecking conspiracy which led to the dolling out of such monies to these companies and individual. To many of us who have watched this episode very closely, the doormat reaction of Mahama and his administration is nothing to exclaim about. It is an established fact that the whole NDC administration is deeply complicit in this whole saga. Not just because key figures in the administration are involved but also because they openly and vehemently placed themselves against anyone who raised doubts about the right of these companies and especially Woyome to receive this bulk sum from our poor country. We all still remember how the entire ndc rented press and its communication machinery turned their arsenals against Gargantuan General Amidu and Hon Ken Agyapong when these revelations started. It made it look more like an entire administration conspiring with these folks to rape the nation as the judges rightly mentioned.

What is more intriguing is that, President Mahama has just refused to say a word since Gargantuan General Amidu was handed these two victories in the highest court of our land. Not even a congratulatory message. I find it very funny when people are asking for a reward for the Gargantuan General seeing that even a greeting has not reached his ear from the president. But as I indicated earlier on, I don’t expect the president to utter a word. Because his own vice, H.E Amissah Arthur was the governor of the Bank of Ghana when this monies were approved and paid to The NDC financier, Waterville and Isofoton.

In fact it was vice president Amissah Arthur who was governing the finance of this country and should have known or even knew the details of this unprecedented and unmerited payments. Mr Mahama had full knowledge of all these when he still went ahead to choose Amissah Arthur as his vice presidential candidate. Moreover, big heads within the NDC like Kwabena Duffour, Betty Mould Iddrisu, Barton Oduro and the entire AG inner circle at the time have all been saddled and tightly entangled in this saga. All the lawyers who threw conscience to the dogs and forgot about sanity and even legalities and defended Woyome and his cronies are all big guns within the NDC. The counsel for Betty Mould Iddrisu is a good example.

To put things very, straight it looks like a big gang of NDC guns who conspired and connived with this folks to loot the state dry. Don’t therefore expect the president to act in this matter. When he does I will understand the political cosmetics rather than his genuine intention to do anything against all these people one of whom is his chosen vice and another a deputy speaker of the parliament. The presidency has its hands deeply stained in this matter. If this matter is pushed further there are revelations which will surely shock Ghanaians. The money went into many pockets and a further aggravating of matters from the president by opening his mouth too wide will backfire seriously and dent the image of his government beyond repair. He has chosen the right option, because he is living in a glass house and throwing stones will be risky. Any politician will love to make very good points by showing his support for Mr Amidu in this development, but the president is saddled, He just can't move.

Noah Asare asare88@yahoo.com Stockstadt, Germany.