Opinions of Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Columnist: Scofray Nana Yaw Yeboah

Ghana is not the problem, we Ghanaians are

It is a sad thing and hypocrisy to know "you" are the problem to a situation yet prefer blaming others. We are our worse enemies and the impediment to our development.

It's amazing, how we allow the negative impacts of formal education to eat us off. Ooh our forefathers were not formally educated but they were patriotic, hardworking, foresighted, knowledgeable, wise and had immersed understanding of their future we live in. We are so grossly indiscipline yet we wish for a developed nation, simple logics does not support such a cause.

The Ghanaian especially the schooled (one who went through school but never got schooled till graduation) always think "we know it all" if it is not done our way it won't work or must not work, if we speak it's final or can't be rebutted, we can cut corners or shortcut that is fine but it is corruption if someone else does it. I can break the law like jumping traffic light and call it " I am smart". I won't compromise in public but secretly corrupt.

The best mirror of us is always at the traffic light/ junction. Ghana must work again by us choosing to think differently to be immune to "self-inflicting pain syndrome-SPS" mental unwinding and rewinding. Let me show you the other mirror, the situation of political parties in this fourth republic. Count the consistency of internal-rancors, it's not about the party ooh but the Ghanaian mentality. Ama Ghana is sick because Ghanaians pretend we are not sick.

Another beautiful mirror is the cholera outbreak, simple hygiene and cleanliness exercise, we won't undertake , we will wait till it engulf us then we spend wholesome money. Then we make u-turn to complain for other amenities which those monies expended on cholera for our own carelessness and failure to adhere to simple hygienic practice. Amazingly our uneducated forefathers were so keen about hygiene.

The fisher man goes to shore and fish with carbide and other illegal means but he is the first to complain of pair-trolling. Look at our media landscape content and information is nothing compared to sensationalism, as though there are no stories apart from partisan ones.

We so much profess to be so religious a nation but not in deeds, why will you take bribe from me before you process or file my document, a job you get paid for from the taxes I pay. The very little things we shy from complaining when we are involved, we scream on roof top about our supposed leaders. Imagine 70% Ghanaians are time conscious and result-oriented hardworking. Ama Ghana deserves better.

Scofray Nana Yaw Yeboah Transformational Coach/Media Analyst/Author