.... A Human Being
"Though wiping one’s butt with a printed material after visiting the lavatory can pose health issues to the individual, the General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress, Mr. Johnson Asiedu Nketia, has revealed that it feels good using the ‘New Statesman’ newspaper to wipe one’s butt after heeding to nature's call. “Excuse me for what I am about to say but in my sincere opinion, I believe it feels good and would benefit any individual to use that paper (New Statesman) to wipe his butt rather than read the lies that makes up its content”, ---Mr. Asiedu Nketia said.---
Why not, for somebody who used to use corn cob at Siakwa to wipe his ass, using a newspaper to wipe your ass is an improvement.
How did we get here? Is Asiedu Nketiah aware about the position he occupies in his Party and the power he wields as General Secretary of the ruling NDC Government? Asiedu Nketiah popularly known as General Mosquito is the power broker behind the Mahama administration and as such has to measure his words when speaking in public. This is a man who singlehandedly appointed Mahama as the NDC Presidential candidate and as a matter of fact, he is the most powerful man in Ghana bar none despite his not too impressive appearance and there is no excuse for him to talk like a village drunk idiot when he lashed out at that Newspaper even if what they wrote is not true. He has to metamorphose from a village drunk idiot to a statesman to dignify the office and power he wields.
What is the story behind Asiedu Nketiah's 'madness'? According to the New Statesman Newspaper, General Mosquito as he is affectionately called by his admirers and nemesis stems from a news article the paper published which sought to create the impression that the NDC’s General Secretary is angry with President Mahama over his “unsatisfactory” first batch appointments. This Newspaper reported that, Asiedu Nketiah stormed the Castle in a foul mood and questiond President Mahama about the rationale surrounding his initial appointments. If this is true, then Ghana is in for a four years of rough ride and bring back bad memories of what transpired from September 1979 to December 1981 when a President by name Limann occupied the Castle who was 'sponsored' to the Presidency by Krobo Edusei as Asiedu did to Mahama and ruled behind the scenes as Asiedu Nketiah is trying to do to Mahama. I wrote before the elections that, a Mahama administration will resemble that of Limann if Ghanaians make a mistake and and elect him as he will be dictated to by the powers that be in NDC. If you think I am just being a sore loser, read what former Presidential Secretary Awuni wrote about the happenings going on behind the scenes in NDC.
"According to Mr. Awuni, John Mahama will not have the free hand to operate in his administration if he fails to stand firm.My biggest concern is whether President Mahama will be given the free hand to do what his heart really wants to do.In fact when I look at the future of the NDC today under President Mahama’s presidency, I see a play back of 1979. I see a playback of the PNP,and I just pray that he does not suffer and God forbid that he does suffer what Dr. Limann suffered." Exactly my fears when Asiedu Nketiah 'appointed' him as the NDC Presidential candidate. Mahama will march to the orders of his handlers or risk being abandoned.
Mahama's first four cappointments did not go down well with the NDC old guards who want to do things the old fashion way as they did to sick Mills by dictating to him who to appoint and in some extreme cases did the appointment and firings themselves without any respect to President Mills, Kofi Awonoor making Presidential appointments without Mills knowing about them and Koku Anyidoho doing Presidential dismissal on the air.
Kwesi Pratt, the Everlasting bunny battle imitation who has knowledge on every subject and issue also waded in and castigated President Mahama for appointing Prosper Bani as the Chief of Staff. What do they have against this man? Maybe he will not march to their tune and that scares the hell out of them.
Enough about Mahama and his problems, poor President, he thought going to South Africa and running away for a week will solve his problems instead of standing up like a man and dealing with his wayward NDC Masters who made him the Presidentia lcandidate.
Who really is Asiedu Nketiah? Asiedu Nketiah is from Siakwa, Brong Ahafo Region who started his career as a Palmwine Tapper, still looks the part despite four good years of stealing from the Bui Dam project. He then went to a Teacher Training College and became a Teacher, later becoming a Bank Manager at a Rural area Bank(MORE LIKE A SUSU COLLECTOR) until the PNDC led by Rawlings plugged him from his village and made him one of those people who terrorized businessmen and traders during the PNDC time and eventually became a deputy Minister in the Rawlings democratic regime from 1992 to 2000. The Rawlings regime did not make Asiedu Nketiah rich and during the NPP administration from 2001 to 2009, the potvaliant General Mosquito lived almost like a pauper existing on rations from Rawlings and old clothes from Rawlings son, Kimathi.(Rawlings and Nana Agyeman Konadu said this). How then did he end up becoming one of the richest men in Ghana between 2009 AND 2013? You can say all you want about this malnourished Somalia look alike famished peasant Asiedu Nketiah, he smartly refused to accept any Ministerial appointment in Mills administration and rather stayed behind the scenes using his powerful position as the General Secretary of the ruling Party to snatch contracts and over pricing his supplies to the government.
It also did not hurt that he has an acerbic and toxic mouth to insult his political opponents at every opportunity he gets making him a well admired person in NDC. This is the man who called the NPP 17 Presidential candidates in 2008 as thieves and nobody in that group was brave enough to sue him as he dared them to. He recently told Nana Akuffo Addo, the NPP Presidential candidate subtly that, any idiot can go to court when NPP was threatening to go to court to challenge the Presidential results by the Electoral Commissioner(EC). It turned out Asiedu himself is an idiot as he too went to court by filling a supplementary affidavit to enjoin the NDC as an interested party to the Supreme Court case pending against the President and the EC.
"The supplementary affidavit, which was filed at 9:45 a.m. yesterday and deposed to on behalf of the General Secretary of the NDC, Mr Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, said, "A denial of the applicant the opportunity to be joined so as to be heard in respect of this election would be a denial of the constitutional rights of the applicant." NOW THE IDIOT ASIEDU NKETIAH ALSO IS GOING TO COURT.
Asiedu Nketiah is not just a dangerous man but an ingrate to boot. This is a man plugged from obscurity from his village as a 'SUSU' Collector by Rawlings only to turn around and bit the hand that fed him, literally. He told Rawlings during the last election to write to him for his approval before Rawlings can be either allowed or not to campaign for NDC? What a clown with balls.
Maybe Asiedu Nketiah is still addicted to his palmwine and takes jorums of it every morning to keep him from taking a look at himself in the mirror, he4 should refrain from making such primitive comments because of the position he occupies which makes his statements affect the image of our country.His mother if she is still alive should get a soap and wash his mouth since the wife is ashamed to be seen with him and has ran away to Canada where she is living it up.
Justice Sarpong