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General News of Friday, 30 June 1995

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Amotion is to be tabled in parliament next week to task the Committee on Defence and Interior to enquire into the problem of drug abuse in the country.

The motion to be moved by the majority Chief Whip, Mr. Albert Bosumtwi-Sam will enable the house to take neccessary steps to curb the rise in the use of narcotic drugs.

It will also enable the House come out with punitive legislation to serve as a deterrent to drug users and couriers. The decision followed a statement made on the floor of Parliament yesterday by Lt. Col E.K.D. Anku-Tsede (rtd.), member for Ho West in commemorate of International Drug Day which fell last Monday.

Lt. Col. Anku-Tsede said even though some people believe and spread the idea taht thereis no problem in the country, it exists in the rural eras, remote villages in the urban societies.

He said the pervasive and destructive nature of the drug pproble is reflected in the percentage of mental cases that are grug-related which is estimated at about 70 per cent. Lt. Col. Anku-Tsede, who is also chairman of the Committee on Defence and Interior said considering the fact that Ghana is now a producer and consumer of most key illict drugs, Parliament should be interested in stemming the threat and nipping it in the bud before it destroys the youth.

"Otherwise, we will move up further to become an addicted country and finally arrive at the point of national disaster", he cautioned.

In his contribution, Mr. J.A. Tawiah (NDC-Krowor) said the country is at a dangerous point considering the magnitude of the drug problem and called for greater efforts in checking it.

Dr. Owusu Agyekum, the Minority Leader advocated the elimination of conditions that facilitate the menance.

Mr. K.A. Bonful, Deputy Minster of the Interior and chairman of the Narcotics Control Board advised members of the house to wage a total war to curb to the drug menance. Ms. Afua Addai-Mensah (NDC-Bosomtwe) said the campaign against drugs should be intensified like that on AIDS.

Mr. G. K. Abankwa (NDC-Nkwakaw) said the problem has embarrased the country so much and that offenders should be punished with all the harshness they deserve.

Ms. Abena Takyiwa (NDC-Kwabre) expressed concern at the impact of video and film which she claimed were teaching people sophisticated methods of smuggling and use of such dangerous drugs. Mr. A. M. Seidu (NDC-Effia Kwesimintsim) advised pregnant women to stay away from such drugs to avoid bringing forth problem children.

Mr. J. E. Ekuban (NDC-Cape Coast) said the manence has tarnished the country's image and therfore calls for a concerted efforts to check it.

Dr. J.K. Enos (NDC -Adjumako-Enyan-Essiam) said the users of such drugs in most cases make wrong jugdements thus the fatalities on the roads.

Mrs. Comfort Owusu (NCP-Mfantsiman East) blamed the phenomenon on poverty resulting from unemployment.