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LifeStyle of Friday, 28 May 2021


Address sex issues to help progression not regret – Medical Doctor

Dr Isaac Newman Arthur,Medical doctor and clinical psychologist Dr Isaac Newman Arthur,Medical doctor and clinical psychologist

Medical doctor and clinical psychologist, Dr Isaac Newman Arthur has suggested that people who address sexual issues should do it to help the victim or whoever is involved progress rather than have regrets.

According to him, most people shy away from talking about sex in this part of the world because of the negative tag attached to it but he objects to such.

“When it comes to sex-related stuff especially in this part of the world, it is very difficult and challenging to address because of the influences from the Western world. And this is why people shy away from it,” he said.

In an interview with Foster Romanus on e.TV Ghana’s Men’s Lounge said, “The healthy space to talk about it is when someone talks about it in a way that helps the person progress instead of making the person’s life worse”.

He believes that all topics including sexual ones should be addressed in such a way that makes the person progress and this should be done once the child is in his or her adolescence stage.

“It’s better for a professional to talk about it than someone else talk about it based on what they think,” he asserted.

He advised parents, teachers and medical professionals to educate children more and also, “be sensitive to the person’s age and how far you can go and how they can even understand because you can’t talk about certain things in the presence of a child.”