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General News of Thursday, 3 November 2016


Scrap IPAC; it's no longer serving any useful purpose - Atik Mohammed

General Secretary of the People's National Convention (PNC) Atik Mohammed says the Inter-Party Advisory Committee (IPAC) should be dissolved.

Speaking on Peace FM's Kokrokoo, Atik Mohammed was of a strong view that IPAC is not living the purpose for which it was set up.

According to him, the Electoral Commission downplays the IPAC, and Committee members' contributions are not valued by the electoral body.

He said IPAC is no longer a forum for discourse between the political parties.

“IPAC is not a forum that you can be comfortable to share that opinion and expect that opinion to be taken on board. Now, dealing with the Electoral Commission or if you have any contribution to help the Electoral Commission; you cannot do it through any other platform except you go to court,” he said.

Atik Mohammed believes the EC wants IPAC to be blindly subservient to it and so doesn't respect their suggestions and recommendations during IPAC meetings.

“We’re no longer serving any useful purpose…Because this mentality of we see it, we like it, it makes us happy; it obviates the need for any such bodies like IPAC,” he opined.