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Crime & Punishment of Friday, 21 August 2020


Self-acclaimed soldier injures resident in Techiman

A self-acclaimed soldier has inflicted head wounds on a 20-year-old man, Isaac Asare, at Tako in the Techiman Municipality of the Bono East Region.

The victim accused his assailant, whose name was only given as Jakatingon, of disturbing public peace with loud music in the vicinity during the night.

Though Jakatingon claims to be a soldier, the residents say they have never seen him in uniform or performing the functions of a soldier according to the victim.

Speaking with Angel FM’s Koo Gyamfi, Isaac Asare said, “I was on my way to the farm today and then Jakatingon attacked me with a spanner, hitting me on the neck.”

Recounting the incident, Mr Asare said that his only offence was to appeal to Jakatingon to stop playing loud music which disturbs residents in the area.

According to the victim, his assailant started raining insults on him each time he sees him since the day of his complaint.

“On Wednesday, he used unprintable words on me while passing by my shop. He attacked a gentleman who also questioned him about his loud music habits He tells us that the land belongs to him and so he can do what he pleases,” Asare narrated.

Isaac Asare noted that aside from having an argument with the self-acclaimed soldier for insulting the president, he [Asare] doesn’t have any problems with the said ‘soldier’.

The police directed me to treat my wounds at the hospital and report back to them afterwards, he concluded.