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Crime & Punishment of Wednesday, 23 May 2018


Police to appear in court for allegedly beating civilian to death in Ho

Constable Bright Afrifa of the Volta Regional Visibility Unit will today appear before a court for allegedly beating 33 years old, Kodzo Adzato, to death at Somey Down, a suburb of Ho.

Constable Appiah was arrested after a sibling of the deceased lodged complain with the police on the incident which led to the painful death of his brother.

A police statement sighted by Ghanaweb states the suspected Constable “got infuriated and beat the victim up” for snatching a glass of drink from him.

“...Const Afrifa visited a spot near his residence and while enjoying a bottle of drink, victim who appeared intoxicated snatched the remainder in the glass to drink. The Const got infuriated and beat the victim up.”

Christine Adzato, Sister of the deceased, who reported the incident narrated she was awaken by unusual noise at about 12:30 am on 16 May, 2018 and saw a police officer, who is a neighbor and another person carrying the motionless body of her brother.

She said the two absconded upon sighting her.

Miss Adzato further stated the victim was pronounced dead the following day at the Volta Regional Hospital where he was receiving treatment for suspected internal head injuries, as he bled from both ears due to the severe beatings subjected to him.

Constable Afrifa was picked up in his neighborhood after going into hiding, while the corpse of the victim has been deposited at the morgue awaiting autopsy.

He would appear before the Ho District court later today, to defend himself of a murder charge labeled against him.

That notwithstanding, the deceased’s family is calling on the Police to launch a full scale investigation into the case and ensure the culprit is duly prosecuted.