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Crime & Punishment of Thursday, 2 February 2017


E/R: Man, 67, arrested red-handed defiling 13 year old girl

A 67-year-old old man, John Akanah has been put before Koforidua Circuit Court ‘B’ for allegedly defiling a thirteen (13) year old Class four pupil of an Islamic Primary School in Koforidua in the Eastern region.

The accused person who was allegedly arrested red handed in the act, however pleaded not guilty to the offence when he appeared before court. The case has since been adjourned to February 16, 2017.

Presenting the facts of the case in court, the Prosecutor, Chief Inspector Solomon Keelson, narrated that the complainant in the matter is brother of the victim while the accused person is a labourer who resides in Koforidua Ada.

According to the Prosecutor, the accused person has been harassing the victim sexually whenever she passes through her house to School, to the point of touching her private parts.

He said, in December 2016, the accused person lured the victim into his room with the pretext of sending her to buy him charcoal and forcibly had sexual intercourse with her. The ordeal allegedly continued severally.

On January 22, 2017 at about 1:30pm, the accused person who sent the victim on errand again upon her return, allegedly had sexual intercourse with her but luck eluded him when the mother and brother to the victim got wind of it through an informant which compelled them to storm the room.

Chief Inspector Keelson further explained that, the accused was caught naked in the act hence arrested and handed over to the Domestic Violence and Victims Support Unit, DOVVSU.

The Prosecutor told the court that, police medical report form was issued to the victim to attend hospital.

He said the medical report confirmed the act hence investigation caution statement was taken from the accused person in the presence of independent witness which he admitted the offence.